Koya the Octopus



2 years, 4 months ago


Koya the Octopus


Name Koya
Called K.O.
Age 17
Gender Female
Species Octopus
Role Ninja
Powers Water bending


  • Water sports
  • Shrimp
  • Playing with Bubbles


  • People not listening
  • Stubbornness
  • People making fun of her scars

Koya the Octopus is not a very outgoing octo, she likes to stay in the shadows and not take part of anything that involves showing herself in any way, shape or form. She also doesn't speak a lot as she doesn't want to get too attached to someone in any way.

from her scarf, she likes to hide every part of her mouth because of being embrasaed of herself and also because of her scar on the right sidie of her mouth. Nobody knows the specific location of where she lives, but it's a fact that she lives in the outskirts of metal city.


Koya used to be a really outgoing Octopus by nature, she loved doing friends and just hang out with everyone she could, being specially friendly towards literally everyone, even if at points it wasn't something good for herself

She had one friend in particular which she loved to hang around with, sharing a lot of interests with one another and just seeming to be extremely united with one another, that specific friend was Kaya the Squid (owned by rizlrhyth64), they knew eachother's in and out in every way, specially since their species were pretty similar. Her nickname also came from Kaya, "K.O.", similar to the one she had, "K.A.".


Everything seemed to be going parfect for the pair of sea creatures in their school life, until one day, Kaya got a card with a mysterious offer, offering her to be a song artist. Since Kaya had the dream to be a song artist, Koya knew how excited she would be about this topic, although the entire situation was all a little sketchy in her eyes, so she warned Kaya, trying to convince her to at least think it through, altough Kaya didn't listen to her and decided to go anyway.

And as koya thought, she was right, as Kaya aproached the alley, koya decided to follow her to see the outcome, and there was the suspicious figure that had written the letter in the first place, Lemonstyng the Sting Ray (owned by rizlrhyth64). After that, koya decided to jump into the scene and take the hit for Kaya, leaving her with two scars, one on her head and another one on a side of her mouth

The outcome

Koya herself didn't know what had gotten to her for her to jump in front of Kaya to take the hit for her, since she was actually angry that she hadn't listened to her in the first place, and yet she did it anyway. As she was paralized in the ground, bleeding from both scars and also trying her hardest not to scream because of it, trying to keep herself together.

As the whole situation came to an end, and lemonstyng had left the scene, Koya didn't want to know anything about Kaya, maybe it was because of her not being able to think right or just wanting to say 'i told you', but up from that experience, koya had left the school and she got cared for her scars, although they would stay on her forever. And ever since that day in school where everything they had both built had just crumbled away, Koya and Kaya had not seen eachother ever again


  • Her right glove, which has green with yellow stripes, is used to have a better control over her powers
  • She can manipulate any water source she can get access to, but she also has a tank on her right arm if she needs it
  • She's a very good swimmer, so she can cover pretty big distances in a pretty short period of time
  • The soles on her shoes are hard as stone, so she can use them to break things if she needs to do so



Kaya the Squid [Ex-friend]

"If she had listened to me for once, nothing of this would've had to happen.. although i may have been too rough with her at the time"


Lemonstyng the Sting Ray [Enemy]

"I'll make her pay for what she did to me, no matter what i have to do to get there. I'll show her the pain that she made me go through"


Raven the Bunny [Close Friend]

"I'm glad to have someone as understanding and as caring as her in my life.. i had missed that feeling for quite a long time"