


8 years, 7 months ago


name;; Vincenza Valirae 
age;; 25
race;; human
manifestation of power;; empath
height;; 5'8”
eye color;; bright green
hair;; black but turning gray (she’s hella stressed) falling to her waist with precise straight edges
complexion;; pale. Most of the time
build;; lithe and ‘bony’ in spots

likes;; swimming, nights, loud music, heat

dislikes;; vegetables, inane conversations, alcohol, crowds
personality;; outspoken. malcontent. rash. sarcastic. wary

An orphan by choice, Vin is often alone. She is critical of others and speaks bluntly, a trait that makes her fairly unpopular. Interested in but annoyed by most people, Grid is her tenuous friend and pseudo-guardian, protecting her from offended strangers and overwhelming situations. Generally collected, she can be aggressive when overcome or attacked.


general attire;; Vin dresses skimpily and often to suit her spine. Bikini tops, a jumpsuit with no back, leotards, pasties and shorts are her preferred outfits. She wears as little as possible to avoid contact with her stains. When in public she passes it off as an elaborate tattoo, as having fabric brush against it constantly would be excruciating.   

siphon;; Her power is empathic, but uncontrollable. When people experiencing strong emotion, (be it negative or positive) are around her, she takes it into herself without thought. She has no blockers or shields to prevent this, and as such the emotions often spill back out of her and cause her to act rashly or out of character. This siphon does remove the majority of the emotion from the original “feeler” and is not reversible.
spine;; A perfect anatomical inking of her vertebrae sits over her skin, from a black ring around her neck to thin roots stretching over her tailbone. The black spreads to the surrounding bones as she siphons. The more emotion she absorbs, the further it can spread, generally going no higher than her neck. The staining over her spine causes her intense pain and hurts both parties when touched.

frenzy;; Should she become completely overwhelmed by her absorptions, and her skin covered in her full skeleton, black will bruise around her eyes and she becomes victim to the medley of feelings coursing through her, subject to the impulses of the majority.


 Design Notes||
-Black ring around her neck is constant, in skeletal form or otherwise. It marks where the stain stops. her black spine is also permanent
-Eyes are bright green.
-Hair is gray gradiating to black. shes hella stressed and going gray.
-All clothing must have an open back.