TBN's Comments

@Viccapre Hi, writing here since dA won't let me add another comment. I absolutely don't mind having one of your watermarks (though smaller) on the picture or next to it, but please do provide a version of the image that's not watermarked all over. Thank you.

Sure! I answered at Da, i’ll send another one with one of the @ and lower opacity, the reason of them is because of stealing problems in the past but i’ll provide it! Just a second

Thank you, this is much better! I'd still prefer to receive a clear file, since this is the first time it happens that a seller does not provide one and when ToS said "don't remove my signature" I assumed the signature would be next to the art, not ON it :O I can probably live with this new one, but I'm sure you'll keep running into buyers asking about the same thing, as it's expected to receive a clear file upon purchase.

Oh okay, it's because I always did like this and never had any problem, so sorry for the trouble 

I can provide one with the signature at the side(and smaller) if you want

Edit: I'm sending it rn

I’ve sent one with a smaller signature at the feet, is this one fine?

And sorry again for the inconvenience 

This is wonderful, thanks so much! ;u;

Np! ^^