
2 years, 4 months ago


Lucian| 30 | Demon| 6'4"

He/Him | Gay

  • died in 1970
  • pacific islander (melanesian)
  • OCD, social anxiety
  • married to Alex and Alder (sorry bro....)
  • very sweet, kind, caring, couldn't hurt a fly, not a mean cell in his body
  • responsible and rational
  • hates violence, doesn't let Alex get in fights, would only ever throw a punch if someone really hurt Alex/Alder completely unwarranted
  • sees the best in people, but still didn't get along w most people in hell bc most demons suck
  • very friendly and outgoing by nature, but became a lot more quiet and withdrawn over the years
  • loves the outdoors, hiking, fishing, wildlife, etc
  • goes to the gym often
  • best friend is Ridley 
  • bookworm, prefers reading over tv/etc