


6 years, 6 months ago


name: Virgo
gender: Trans masc - he/him/they/them
family: his adopted brother lane

virgo is a novakid who wanders allot, he travels the stars often alone, that is until he met viale.
he started out liveing in a small novakid village, he knew everyone there and they all knew him. it had mainly farmers that lived there, the outskirts of town full of crop Fields and moshi's. they were lucky enough to have a star port close by, a rail yard as they called it due to the ships being more or less giant trains. eventually he learned about the protectors, after a few stopped in town while there ship was getting repaired back at the rail yard. he looked up to them and decided that he was going to become one. he worked hard to make it threw the academy, despite being reckless in his missions and rude in class he passed on time, actually one of the best with his grades. he became a full protector and was that way for around 8 years before the protectors were suddenly crumbled in midst of earths destruction. he was on earth at the time, there to oversee a graduating class he had helped teach. as far as he knows hes the only one who survived and managed to escape earth.  
not long after escaping he landed on a small earthy planet, after exploring for a bit he ran into an avian, he ended up taking to him, despite the avians constant teasing. he later discovered the avian he was with was a known criminal. but by this point they were already working together. virgo had never noticed the avians strangeness until now. he decided that the mission given to them by esther was more important than his duty as a protector to arrest the avian, now known as viale.  he did nothing about it and went with viale threw he first three trials, he was finding that he had gotten a crush on viale, he couldn't help it, after everything they had been threw together. after a short run in with a few remaining protectors virgo defended viale from them, adding herself to the wanted list as an ex-protector. he didnt care anymore however, he loved viale to much to just throw her away, viale proved to be a good distraction from any sadness he had about loosing his job, they continued to work on esther's quests together. with hopes of saving the world.

(story is a ongoing work in progress, as im rping it out on the fly with the player of viale)