Calla's Comments

Yup. This shames every other story written. I want to see this as a book, a movie, a tv series. The whole thing.

That means a lot to me, thanks. <3 there is still a lot I need to work out story-wise though. Like, she needs to have some hold over Psári, otherwise he'd never help her. I also don't know how to present the story. I kinda ruined Aaron's story by breaking it up and making memes or MAP parts related to it, without actually telling the story.

Hmmm maybe (seeing as this is greek mythology) Her ocean wanderings impressed Poseidon, and he granted her a "helper" if you will. IDK, hmm Id present it all at once. Not it little bits, just write the whole thing.

It's a good idea, but I don't think I'm going to include greek gods in this in particular universe, as it may just make it a tad too confusing. And thanks, I'll try that.

Ahh I understand. Maybe she found like a weapon or an amulet or something that is fatal to sirens.

Another great idea, but I think she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did anything like that, but I do have another idea. I want to tell you but its also kinda a spoiler.

1 Replies