


2 years, 4 months ago


somebody better hold me back

6 Moons

A brown tabby-and-white molly with green eyes. She smells of lemon mint, wood lilies, and damp earth. Hard of Hearing.


If there is one word to describe Thicketpaw, it would be loud.

Everything she seems to do is louder than it should be: she has a bad habit of scaring off things she's trying to hunt because of the noises she makes trying to catch them (though, to be fair, she is working on this one), she snores and talks in her sleep, she's always hissing and caterwauling in battle training. Most importantly and most evidently, though, is how loud and often she yells. As a Hard of Hearing cat, she can barely hear it when cats try to speak to her or even when she speaks at a normal volume, so she screams instead, and insists that other cats scream to match her. Her volume might question those around her on whether or not she knows how to sign — rest assured, she does! Yelling her head off is just funnier to her, especially when she gets to scare another cat with it, and so more often than not she will choose to be loud. That isn't to say that she never uses sign; when she can talk with someone else who can sign, she will, and if she has to be discreet for whatever reason (the horror), she'd sign then, too. She's just a big fan of being loud and annoying.

Getting on others' nerves is like a game to her: How Quick Can I Piss Someone Off? is a never-ending speedrun to her, and whenever she gets the chance she will try to beat her previous record. She also likes how games like that can make her seem dumber than she really is: for all that she will act like a cat that doesn't know up from down or doesn't realize that she doesn't have to scream all the time, she is actually quite observant. She likes to notice and remember little details she gets from the world around her and keep them to herself, like a dragon guarding its hoard. If she detects even a hint of something that she doesn't know, then she can be absolutely ravenous in trying to hunt it down and solve her new mystery. She likes having answers, not questions. If there's anything she hates, it's having questions, and if there's anything she loathes it's finding more questions in search of her answer. Not only does she enjoy simply being in the know, but she also enjoys thinking of herself as a spy-like figure, upholding a disguise and faux-personality for a goal she wants to achieve (not that she has a goal in mind; it's just something fun for her to spend her days doing). Additionally, she enjoys portraying herself as far more elegant and put-together than she really is, especially around cats she doesn’t know. Her poker face is top notch, and while she may look somber or bored on the outside she could be cackling inside her own mind.

While she will happily play the part of class clown and be the happy-go-lucky one in any group, Thicketpaw is also a compassionate molly that wants to be a good friend and warrior. She enjoys cheering others up and having fun, but she also wants to become a good protector and provider for her Clan and is eager to prove herself. Whenever a new challenge appears, Thicketpaw will be one of the first to accept, and if she sees a chance to improve herself then she'll take it. She also longs for responsibility: like most young cats, she has daydreams about being her Clan’s leader, but in general, she just wants to be a cat that others trust, whether it be as a respected warrior or in a position of authority. She rarely experiences doubt, and instead of asking herself why she keeps making mistakes or failing a task, she wonders how she can prevent such things in the future. She isn't afraid of asking for help if she feels like she needs to, though someday, she hopes to not need that help at all. Contradictorily, though, she will push herself to her breaking point before she decides that she needs help, and she really does prefer doing things on her own.


Thicketpaw was born at the beginning of the Great Snow as a loner named Chirp. She was born alongside two siblings, Crackle and Thunder, and while her mothers worried deeply about all three of their health and keeping them fed (especially as the season wore on), they were also deeply happy and excited about finally having a family.

For a few moons, all was well. Chirp played with her siblings and was fawned over by her mothers, until she got sick. Very sick.

Even combined, her mothers only had a rudimentary understanding of healing. Aside from making sure she rested and got plenty of fluids, they didn’t know what to do. Chirp was only getting worse, and so her mothers came to a decision. They had heard about the Clans and knew that they had cats who specialized in medicine, and thankfully, they lived only a short distance away from them. The journey wouldn’t be easy, especially in the weather they were living in, but it was doable. Worried about how aggressive they had heard the Clans could be, though, Crunch and Rainstorm thought that if they found a kit on their own, they might be more merciful.

It was a risk, but for Chirp, they felt it was do-or-die.

Rainstorm was the one who took her to the Clans over a three-day journey, taking frequent breaks to allow for Chirp to keep warm and to make her eat clean snow. When she found Clan territory, she traveled into it as far as she dared, made a nest for Chirp in plain view, and left.

Chirp was found a few hours later and taken to camp for treatment. Her condition wasn’t as bad as her mothers had feared, but if she had stayed with them, it wouldn’t have gotten better. Under the care of PeakClan’s healers, Chirp’s condition improved — though, not without some consequence, as her hearing wasn’t nearly as good as it once was. When asked her name, Chirp worried that the Clan might do some sort of strange ritual with it that would end in either horrible pain or death, and so she panicked and gave them the fake name of Thicket.

She was still ill at the time.

Eventually, Chirp learned more about the Clan she was staying in, and that no rituals involving her name would take place. She was embarrassed for thinking something like that would have happened at all (and wasn’t sure where it even came from, frankly), but simultaneously too embarrassed to give the Clan her real name. Additionally, she started learning sign language from Larkpaw.

Two moons after she arrived in the Clan, she joined it and became Thicketkit. Only recently has she started her training as Thicketpaw.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.