
2 years, 3 months ago







May 7th

Star sign: 



She's a very outgoing, and cheerful personality that is admired by all. She always strives to be the best, and nothing less. When it comes to family she cares deeply about her friends and family,. Even in the most dangerous situations she will stick to the people she loves and do anything to keep them safe.




5 foot 5


Explorer, and Q and A tester


She can bring any items from games to life such as, weapons, and gear


Guns, some times she even uses bow and arrow




Exploring every chance she gets, especially with Elmina

Battling against rivials with style


People underestimating her

Seeing friends or family give up


Disappointing her family, and fans


An advanced mansion near the advanced arcades

Blood related siblings:



Ever since she was young Farrah always had an adventurous spirit. When her parents brought back souvenirs of their daring missions, it inspired Farrah even more to venture out and seek her own exciting experiences. So they bought her only on the safe ones, which was very rare. While her parents were on dangerous missions Farrah practiced in the mansion's obstacle course. With every attempt Farrah gained even more dexterity, and strength. Soon she became an expert in acrobatics and agility. Farrah's thirst for adventure and her desire to push beyond her comfort zone led her to venture out and explore a nearby forest. Despite feeling a bit nervous, her curiosity and adventurous spirit won out and soon she was exploring the unfamiliar terrain with excitement and wonder. She spent hours training in her free time, improving her skills with various weapons and maneuvering through the maze-like environment. But then on a fateful journey, her parents never returned. While searching for clues to their mysterious disappearance, Farrah ended up in  a secret tomb. There, she discovered a  artifact that glowed with mysterious energy. She didn't know what it was or what it meant, but there was something about it that drew her in. She knew this artifact was important. So Farrah knew she needed to find a way to decipher the artifact to unlock its hidden powers. With her hopes and determination driving her forward, Farrah continued her search for clues and answers. She began deciphering the artifact, using every skill she had in her arsenal to uncover its hidden secrets. With each clue uncovered, she was ever closer to the truth she had been seeking. As Farrah grabbed it the artifact started playing visions of her parent's journey, along with lost memories of their time together. With joy and relief, she finally had answers she seeked. Then the artifact revealed to her the truth of how her parents passed. Farrah felt a mix of emotions, but the relief of knowing what had happened outweighed the sadness she felt. She knew that now she had the responsibility to carry on her parent's legacy, to fulfill their unfinished dreams. Her determination to fulfill her parent's mission and legacy drove Farrah to travel the lands, meeting new people and discovering ancient secrets. While on one of her adventures she came across a brave warrior called Elmina (owned by Allstarx-tra) and met the rest of Allstar along the way. With new allies  and courage in her heart, She traveled to uncharted lands, searching for lost relics and solving mysterious puzzles along the way. facing  many obstacles and challenges, but with determination, skill, and luck by her side she'd overcome every hurdle that stood in their path, just like her parents before her.

Random Facts:

Her favorite food is Macaroons

 She considers Elmina (owned by Allstarx-tra) to be her fabulous warrior sister

She has a wide range of outfits so she can dress for the occasion