Angelus Donovan-Fearless



2 years, 19 days ago


Only child of Auss'ie Donovan & Domain Fearless. Leucistic. Severely disabled.
Angelus had a hard start, even while still in the womb. His mother and aunt were prisoners of Meurtrier Pride for years, and Domain was abused mercilessly. Because of damage to her womb, Angelus was born underweight, partially deaf and extremely pale. His wings were also severely malformed, and his back right leg is lame. Despite his disabilities, both his parents love and cherish their only child and kept him from hearing the snide remarks from the rest of the pride. Despite usually staying close to his mother, Angelus was lost during a hunting trip when he was only six months old. He was found by Shakti, who despite being initially disturbed by the sight of him, took him in and kept him alive. Now that he's old enough, he's gone off on his own to find his family and be with them again.