Vitus the Party Demon



2 years, 14 days ago


He is a hedonistic party demon in the universe of Hazbin Hotel, or anywhere that fits him. He loves booze, drugs, dancing, and the most obvious of all, the very culmination of his being, partying. 

He is a very energetic and vigorous guy that he can party for a whole week without sleeping. And if after those long party weeks he stops partying, he drops. And when he drops, he drops hard. It’ll probably take him another week to get his energy back.

He can basically be summoned whenever there’s a party going on. Or sometimes at the slightest smell of booze. Wherever it is in the world he’ll know. And he’ll most likely crash it. 

If you ever have a party that you think needs more blowing up. Just call this guy.

The main image, or the one in the thumbnail, is his new design. So just disregard the old one.