Banquo Edgar Welles



2 years, 14 days ago


Personal Information

Banquo Edgar Welles
  • Gender

  • Age

  • Height
    5'11 (180cm)

  • Birthday

    • House
    • Black Eagles
    • Crest
    •   Crest
  • Class

  • Affiliations
    Leicester Alliance

Extra Notes

  • Greyromantic gray-ace gay
  • Lawful neutral
  • 9w1 sp/so

Personal History

1162Left at the doorstep of an orphanage in the Leicester Alliance.
1165After falling gravely ill, is relinquished to the Eastern Church.
1179Discovered his previously unknown Crest.
1180Enrolled at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.


  • Reading
  • Daydreaming


A remarkably average student, all things considered.


Peach sorbet, board games, routines, flowers, romance novels


Allergies, selfish people, violence, vulgarity, trying new things

Close Allies

Other Details

ㅤㅤBanquo is a quiet person, often coming off as standoffish and, despite his attempts at politeness, sometimes even rude. This generally is neither intentional nor out of any sort of malice; he’s just not very good with people. He prefers not to make small talk or to get too close to others, and would much rather be alone than saddled with someone else’s emotional baggage. One might even say he has trouble forming attachments.

ㅤㅤDespite his asocial tendencies, however, he’s quite reliable and responsible. The church raised him with certain values in mind, and no matter Banquo’s personal feelings, he often holds to them, offering assistance to those around him regardless of whether or not he actually wants to. While no one would ever accuse Banquo of overworking himself, he does have a hard time saying "no" to the few people willing to approach him.

ㅤㅤHe has a strong avoidance to conflict, however, and as a result his helpfulness doesn't extend to things he perceives as troublemaking or horseplay, including the antics of his dear house leader.

ㅤㅤBanquo considers himself a devout follower of Seiros, but more specifically aligns himself with the beliefs that the Eastern Church holds- which are just a bit less strict than that of the Central Church. However, at times, he finds himself faltering in his faith. With concerns about the church growing, he has a tendency to sweep those problems under the rug rather than actually face them.

In his free time, he can often be found reading romance novels or holed up in his room. (Additionally, his disregard for his peach allergy means infirmary visits are rather frequent.)