
2 years, 1 month ago



Name Stella
Called Stelly
Age 22
Gender Female
Race Inktoling
Weapons Custom Dualie Squelchers
Location Inkopolis
Relationship Married


  • Off the Hook
  • Food
  • Exploring
  • Trains


  • Being Bulled
  • Being extremely sensitive
  • Being reminded of her accident
  • Being left alone


Stella is a woman of a troubled past, It started a few months ago where Stella was in a Turf war match however, a piece of construction from the stage level they were playing, collasped & fell on Stella, trapping her completely in the collapsed site, she was rendered unconicous unable to scream for help, It was thanks to one of her friends, Sierra who witnessed her getting trapped, The girls acted very quickly to free the unconcious Stella from her trap, They later rushed her to hospital where Stella was placed in a 3 week coma, Marina stayed by her side every night from the side of her hospital bed, when Stella woke up from her coma, the doctors told her, she will never walk again, prompting Stella to cry, Stella from that day forth was bound to a wheelchair but she is taking everyday one day at a time and she is getting used to her new surroundings and taking to life with grace ever since she was discharged from the hospital.

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