
2 years, 27 days ago


Shanie The Hedgebat

Name Shanie
Age 23
Gender Female
Race Hedgebat
Role Professional Footballer/Freedom Fighter
Relationship Married


Shanie is a Hedgebat who likes to help people & play her favorite game: Football, She can be very clumsy & injury prone. She is currently married to a echinda named Hotaru who she met 5 years ago, Shanie is usually quiet & very wholesome, but sometimes she can be professional & serious, She can also be seen flying around places with her wings. Shanie doesn't have powers but she does pack weapons, She is equipped with a Sniper Rifle & a Sidearm. Shanie's pastimes include her cruising around places in a car, Preferably her Favorite, The Ford Crown Victoria, She also likes to do recreational diving with her friends, She's also has a Custom built Rebreather that a friend helped create for her, so Shanie can stay down underwater for a very long period of time. When She isn't doing her time as a Freedom Fighter, She is also playing Football Professionally playing for Swansea City AFC alongside Hotaru & Makoto, She is quite faithful & loyal to her friends, Loved ones & Swansea. She despises Evil and always wanted to make the world a better place.

"Once you get to know me, You will realise that this is only the start!"

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