Bo's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

BlackCatXIII Global Rules
  • You can make minor changes to the design, don't make it into a completely different design
  • Do not edit my art or remove my watermarks/signature
  • Do not use my designs for racist/bigoted/LGBT+phobic things
  • Do not whitewash my designs
  • Fandom based designs don't have to be used for that fandom
  • Do not remove my name from the artist/design credits

  • You can not sell merchandise that uses my artwork
  • You can not change the design to be a closed/open/any other type of species
  • You can not use any of my artwork or designs for NFT purposes

  • Do not delete the character's profile or images; you may add them to a private or hidden list if you don't want them to be seen by others, but I, as the designer, must be able to see them. If you no longer want the character just let me know

  • Always inform me before selling a design to someone, and tell me the name of the person you are selling to
  • Do not resell designs for more than you bought it for, unless paid artwork has been added.
  • Do not sell designs if you received them in a trade/raffle. You can trade them for art/designs, but not money unless there is additional art that you have bought.
  • Do not give my designs to 'adopt' pages that use their own fictionalized currency, especially if you recieved the adopt in a raffle.
  • Do not resell a design to someone who does not have a account
  • Do not resell to anyone on my blacklist; if you see someone who has been blacklisted with one of my designs, please tell me

  • If you go against my terms you may be blacklisted and/or have your permission to use the design revoked, depending on the severity