


2 years, 25 days ago


Name: Mothin (real name unknown)

Series: Animals

Age: ?????? (around Flutter's age)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Monochrome Moth (formerly Nymphian)

Favorite Food: Turnips

Element: Dark (formerly Water)

Powers: Can hide in the shadows, shadow ball, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Don't be ridiculous..."

Likes: Science, vegetables, learning from mistakes, reading, researching terraforming processes, bright lights, and oil paintings.

Dislikes: Being a moth, misinformation, spicy foods, birds, and overworking himself.

Personality: Mothin is rather grounded compared to his former colleagues Flutter and Glades, the former having an ego problem and the latter believing that genocide is okay. In contrast, Mothin is someone who simply wants to explore the many possibilities that science has to offer. He's quick to acknowledge his own failures, and instead of being dismayed by them, he instead views his mistakes as an opportunity to grow. Outside of work, he's generally friendly towards his colleagues. However, even since Mothin was turned into a Monochrome Moth by Glades, he's been more secretive and more willing to manipulate others in order to help Glades  achieve her goals.

Home: Nymphia

History: Mothin grew up on Nymphia with an interest in science. Long before the start of the story, Mothin worked alongside Flutter and Glades in researching terraforming. Unlike the latter two, he never made any notable accomplishments. However, when Glades decided to use Flutter's discovery of Ameritis Crystals on the planet they were terraforming for her own personal goals, Mothin witnessed Glades betray Flutter and use  strange technology to turn him into a Rainbow Butterfly. Unfortunately for Mothin, he was quickly discovered by Glades, who used the same technology to turn him into a Monochrome Moth. Unlike Flutter, who ended up getting dropped on the planet he was terraforming in order to silence him, Mothin was able to convince Glades to let him assist her in exchange for her to eventually turn him back to normal. Similarly to Flutter, Mothin is not his real name, but is instead the name he took up in his current form.

Mothin first appears to the heroes appearing to be an ally of Flutter, who is initially happy to be reunited with his colleague. However, he ends up tricking them in his debut appearance, revealing his loyalty to Glades in the process.

Current-Bio: Mothin currently lives on Nymphia and is directly working with Glades under the promise that she will eventually turn him back to normal. Keyword: eventually.

Meta-History: Mothin was originally created to be the monochrome counterpart to Flutter. In the original version the story, the two were actually a butterfly and moth respectively, but in the current version they're Nymphians that were turned into their respective insects in order for Glades to de-power and silence them. Mothin has always been super undeveloped compared to Flutter, which is why I originally didn't make him a bio back when I made Flutter's. Mothin being with the enemy isn't new either, but I developed his backstory a bit more as I wrote this.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Flutter: Mothin and Flutter were originally colleagues during their time on Nymphia, but these days do not get along due to Mothin being an ally of Glades.

Glades: Mothin is currently an ally of Glades. While he's not happy that she turned him into a Monochrome Moth and refuses to turn him back just yet, he assists her with her plans in hopes of being turned back to normal.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!