If you have a 3way buy/trade in mind that I could get for you let me know. Otherwise I could purchase outright $50, if a possible offer. I don’t have any OC’s to offer sadly, but I was in talks with prev owner as a backup offer before. (Extending this monetary offer/trade to others who have a character you may be interested in)

im so so sorry but someone had already messaged me and claimed him ;w;

Ooo that’s ok !

hey! so the other offer backed out so I can accept your offer for him if youre still interested :)

oh shoot i’ve been so busy i didn’t see this ! are they still open ?

they are! ^^

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I could do multiples from this account, https://toyhou.se/daredreth/characters/folder:all 

or potentially someone from my main account :3 https://toyhou.se/TheWolfIsDead/characters/folder:all

I could also offer some pixel art instead!

this oc has already been claimed, sorry! 😭 

Hey there! If you were still looking at offers for this bab, would anyone in here catch your eye? :3


I wouldn't mind trading multiple if there were a few that interested you! Ty for your time! 🫶

i have three offers already in discussion for them, so they will likely be claimed by the weekend, sorry! :,D

No worries, tysm for replying!

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Dash, Devon, and Prism caught my interest! ^-^

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sweet! ^-^
i will let u know what i hear from Mayhem about their trade decision when they get back to me! <3

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just an update: they accepted the trade offer! ^-^

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anyone in my tabs? :00 I can also offer customs 

what would you take for this bean? :o

Art, Customs, Trades/Swaps, n USD! ^-^

i dont have a set price for him but he’s likely worth at least $50 :,D

oof all I can offer is either a custom or possibly a swap :') 

r u willing to trade any of these guys for him? ^-^

Ralix, Reiko, Cerux, Everglow, Gravedeath, Zaida, EchoGlitch

I could maybe trade for Reiko but id have to think about it ;w; and I dont have Gravedeath anymore   

okie! ^-^

and oop didnt know that LMAOO i just grabbed em from a comment on my bulletin x,D

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