Astra (Fursona)



6 years, 5 months ago




NAME Astra
NICKNAME(S) Ash, Star, Moon
AGE 14
STAR SIGN Aquarius


Astra is a lynx who absolutely loves space. Her immediate family consists of her mom, her dad and her younger sister. She is in grade 9 currently and is a very good student, all her grades in the 90s except for music, which was a 84%. Astra wants to go to an art school after she graduates high school because she wants to be a cartoon animator. She is extremely creative and determined, but is clingy to friends and sensitive. Her favourite clothes are her sweaters and flannels. She also really likes her t-shirt that has characters from Gravity Falls on it. She needs glasses (she's nearsighted) but only wears them at school. Astra spends a lot of time on her iPad or computer in her bedroom. She watches YouTube and animates. In her bedroom she has a really comfy bed (with tons of pillows on it), a canopy over top, a couple fake plants, jars of seashells, walls covered in drawings and paintings, and finally, a desk.


 P L A Y 

  • Freckles and Constellations
  • Hold My Hand (Remix)
  • Love Me Harder (Remix)
  • Sorry Not Sorry
  • Wolves
  • Clarity (Remix)


  • Although Astra loves her room in general, she can't ever keep the decor the same for even a month. She constantly gets inspired to change her room usually around 12am.
  • Astra loves to dance! She is learning how to shuffle dance, so she isn't very good at it yet. She has the worst stage fright so only her younger sister sees her dancing. Her parents have no idea.
  • Coming out as pansexual for Astra was a very difficult thing to do. Only after hearing the song Same Love (by Macklemore) and crying her eyes out with happiness did she work up the courage to tell her parents. Luckily, both her mom and dad supports her completely!
  • Astra used to have this girl as her best friend from grade 7 to a little while ago. She had this huge crush on this girl until the summer before grade 9. This girl had planned a sleepover for her 14th birthday, yet when Astra arrived, there was no sleepover. The girl had cancled it and didn't bother to tell Astra. Astra was absolutely heartbroken from this and has never been truly the same since.
  • She enjoys wearing her hair down, but will occasionally wear it in a ponytail, bun or braid.
  • Wears earrings.
  • Hates painting her nails unless a professional does it (only got them done once by a professional in her entire life)
  • Puns. Puns everywhere.

Character belongs to TrashMammals  •    Designed by Bepis-Adopts on DeviantArt
Art by TrashMammals  •    HTML by Jayden   •    Layout Design by Spider


for_toyhou_se_coding__1_by_trashmammals- CAKE

Younger Sister • I Love You by OMFG
Although Astra and Cake fight quite a lot, they still love each other. If somebody ever picked on one sister, you better believe the other will be at that person's doorstep the next day.
for_toyhou_se_coding__3_by_trashmammals- TOXIK

Friends • Fly Away by TheFatRat feat Anjulie
Best friends to the end! Toxik is a partier, and while Astra might not be as much into that stuff, Astra will still show up just to make Toxik smile. They got each other's backs to the end.
for_toyhou_se_coding__2_by_trashmammals- STRYKER

Gaming Buds • I'm Everywhere by TeknoAXE
These two will play anything from Overwatch to The Last Guardian to Oneshot. They are very compeditive, yet still work well together. Astra introduced Stryker to Dungeons & Dragons and Stryker loves it (won't admit it though), so they play that alot too with a couple of Stryker's friends.