Charlotte Thorebourne



2 years, 20 days ago



Name Charlotte Elizabeth Thorebourne
Called Lottie
Age 18y
D.O.B 02/12
Gender Female (She/Her)
Height 1.45m
Race content
Role Noble
Demeanor Shy, Childish, Kind
Sexuality Hetero
Alignment Neutral Good


  • Books
  • Insects
  • Children's books
  • Tea


  • Darkness and thunders
  • Loneliness
  • Pepper
  • Parties



It smells so good...!

Her specialty is baking cakes, to which she learned from insisting in helping the house servants at the kitchen for the tea parties.

Hello, little one!

She finds insects and bugs funny and is fascinated by them, while she also pulled pranks on her older sisters and maids with them. She raised a few catterpillars.

Can you read me a book?

She has a great interest in books, where most of them are for children. Her favourite is "Alice in Wonderland".

Take care of me, OK?

Morgan eventually became her personal maid, assisting her from day to night. Charlotte often tries to tease him with her playful tricks, but he always overpowers her. She enjoys playing with Morgan's hair, and lets him do the same with hers. To the public, they seems like a cute master and maid; In private, they're a loving couple.









Morgan [ 'Maid' / Affair ]

Morgan was originally hired as a bodyguard for Charlotte by her oldest sister, Gwendolyn. Working as 'Morgiana', he passed off as a maid to keep closer watch on her. They didn't like each other so much as he thought she was too much of a brat, and she didn't like how 'Morgiana' avoided her so much. One day, however, she discovered his secret. She didn't tell anyone, but from then on, they became much closer than before. Much, much closer, leading to a secret affair. Oh, to be young and in love!


Gwendolyn Thorebourne [ Step-Sister ]

Her oldest sister. Charlotte admires her greatly, even if they have different mothers. But since their age gap is quite big, they didn't share much interests or activities in common. Gwendolyn does, however, care for Charlotte, going as far as hiring a bodyguard for her. When Charlotte was a small child though, Gwendolyn used to watch her play sometimes. Her early marriage (and soon divorce) refrained her from spending more time with her little sister, as she started to live in a different manor of the Estate and had to take care of the House as the Heir.


Bernadettan Thorebourne [ Step-Sister ]

Her older sister. Charlotte likes her greatly, even if they have different mothers. Their age gap isn't quite as big as her and Gwendolyn's, but her difficult and smug personality might have made Charlotte back away a few times. In their childhood, they played with each other quite frequently. Just like her oldest sister however, Bernadetta married off early. Because of this, they lived in different manors of the Estate, leaving less time to pass time with each other. They still like each other.


Aaron Oliver Lafayette VI [ Arranged Marriage ]

Their families set up a marriage between them, mostly for their personal interests. Charlotte thought high of him, seeing him as a lovely prince out of a fairy tale book. She only liked him, and made attempts to stay true to the marriage imposed unto them; However, Aaron had no eyes for her. Or women, literally. She saw him and his male affair once, while picking flowers. After that sight, she went to cry on Morgan's lap. Now, they only keep appearances in public, because there is no interest between each other to pursue a fake love.

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