


2 years, 24 days ago


The junior medic aboard the mining ship Crimson Faerie, Georgia was, aside from being a bit on the pudgy side compared to most of the crew, relatively unsuspecting. That is at least until she found a mysterious set of armour while on a scouting mission. Stumbling across a blown-up pirate watering hole, while pretty much everything was too damaged to salvage, this armour, while bulky and antiquated, looked relatively unscathed. As this had been her first outing, the commander decided to give it to her as a gift. While on a largely peaceful mission, the ship had an armoury stocked with top-of-the-line, company-issued stuff, having no need for bulky, pirate "junk." As it turns out, the "gift" was more than it seemed - the personal wear of possibly one of the biggest, most engorged pirates in the galaxy. Space isn't exactly an environment kind to larger sizes, but they'd somehow managed to not just survive, but thrive. The suit had an AI core in, surprisingly advanced for something so old, that had both picked up information about them, including their knowledge and skills, as well as the onboard medical software getting accustomed to their body. Slipping the armour on, and after plugging the universal neurolink into her own, Georgia's mind instantly got contact with the suit's data banks, learning in a moment all that the AI had decided was worth saving. Weapons and how to handle them, cheating in card games, a corpus on mechanical skill, as well as many other things devious and dastardly. This, mixing with the twee, if shy Georgia, meant that after this, while retaining her soft side, wasn't afraid to get her way, by force if needed. Additionally, the medical systems, having never been wiped, presumed the rodent girl to be the previous owner and, due to a glitch, wasn't able to adjust to her comparatively skin-and-bones size. No worries, though; copious amounts of appetite boosters into her body and mind began to make Georgia truly balloon, and with her sudden onset of mechanical know-how, was able to hack one of the food replicators near her to give her unlimited rations, allowing her to grow at an even faster rate. Eventually, however, management found out, and she was fired pretty much on the spot. Before being dropped off at the nearest station however, Georgia, perhaps channeling the previous owner's piratical nature, decided to take matters into her own tubby mitts, and managed to not only break free, but pilfer a significant amount of technology and items, as well as a shuttlecraft. With a warrant out for her arrest, Georgia decided that the best way to go was in the pawprints of the previous owner.