Hikari (Persona)



2 years, 4 months ago




Name Hikari
Class Pokemon Trainer
Age 27
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Sona
Alignment Chaotic Good


  • Generous: Always willing to help others and share her resources.
  • Friendly: Easily makes friends with both people and Pokémon
  • Fun-loving: Enjoys playful activities and spreading joy.


  • Colors: Blue and pink
  • Favorites: Plush toys, fluffy things, snow
  • Hobbies: Art, Pokémon contests

Early Life

Hikari grew up in a quaint village in the Kalos region, surrounded by the region's breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture. From a young age, she was enchanted by the beauty and elegance of Fairy-type Pokémon. She often visited art museums and Pokémon contests, where she was captivated by the graceful performances and stunning costumes.

The Bond with Sylveon

On her tenth birthday, Hikari received an Eevee as a gift. She named it Luna, and the two quickly became inseparable. As they traveled together, Hikari discovered that Luna had a gentle and affectionate nature, perfectly suited for Fairy-type evolution. One magical evening, under a full moon, Luna evolved into a Sylveon, marking the beginning of an extraordinary bond.

Discovering Her Passion

Inspired by her Sylveon's transformation, Hikari decided to become a Fairy-type Pokémon trainer. She was drawn to the whimsical and enchanting qualities of these Pokémon and dedicated herself to understanding and caring for them. Her home became a haven for Fairy-type Pokémon, each one adding a touch of magic to her life.

Becoming a Contest Star

Hikari's love for art and performance naturally led her to Pokémon contests. She started participating in local contests, where she quickly gained a reputation for her imaginative routines and beautifully crafted costumes. Her artistic background gave her a unique edge, as she could design intricate and captivating performances that left audiences in awe.

Journey Through Kalos

Eager to improve her skills and discover new Pokémon, Hikari set out on a journey across the Kalos region. She explored lush forests, sparkling rivers, and snowy mountains, always accompanied by her loyal Sylveon. Along the way, she made many friends, both human and Pokémon, and learned valuable lessons about friendship, perseverance, and the true meaning of beauty.

The Snowy Highlands

One of Hikari's favorite places to visit was the snowy highlands of Kalos. The serene beauty of the snow-covered landscape inspired many of her art pieces and contest routines. It was here that she met Frost, a playful and fluffy Alolan Ninetales. The two quickly bonded, and Frost became a cherished member of Hikari's team, adding a touch of icy elegance to her performances.

Champion of Hearts

Hikari's dedication and talent eventually led her to the Grand Festival, the most prestigious Pokémon contest in the Kalos region. With her Sylveon and other Fairy-type Pokémon by her side, she dazzled the judges and audience with a performance that combined grace, creativity, and heartfelt emotion. Her routine, inspired by the snowy landscapes she loved, earned her the title of Top Coordinator.

Legacy of Kindness

Today, Hikari is celebrated not only for her achievements in Pokémon contests but also for her generous and friendly nature. She often returns to her hometown to teach art classes and mentor young trainers, sharing her love for Fairy-type Pokémon and the joy of creative expression. Her journey is a testament to the power of kindness, creativity, and the unbreakable bond between a trainer and her Pokémon.


Fairy Pokémon

  • Hikari has a deep bond with her Sylveon, her favorite Pokémon. She takes great pride in training and caring for her Fairy-type Pokémon, often engaging in activities that bring out their best qualities.

Plush and Fluffy Things

  • Her living space is adorned with various plush toys and fluffy decorations, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. She collects plushies of her favorite Pokémon and enjoys crafting her own plush designs.


  • An avid artist, Hikari loves to draw and paint scenes of her adventures and the Pokémon she encounters. Her art style is whimsical and colorful, much like her personality.

Pokémon Contests

  • Hikari participates in Pokémon contests, where her creativity and love for art come into play. She designs intricate costumes and routines for her Pokémon, aiming to win with both beauty and skill.

Signature Moves in Pokémon Contests:

  • Sylveon's Dazzling Gleam: A radiant display of light that captures the audience's attention and showcases Sylveon's beauty.
  • Charm: Using her friendly nature, Hikari teaches her Pokémon to charm the judges and audience, making them irresistible.
  • Fairy Wind: A graceful move that combines elegance and power, often used as the finishing touch in her contest routines.


  • Favorite Colors: Hikari's favorite colors are blue and pink, which she often incorporates into her clothing and art. These colors are also prominently featured in her contest costumes.
  • Artistic Talent: Hikari is an accomplished artist. She loves to draw and paint, often creating whimsical and colorful depictions of her adventures and the Pokémon she meets.
  • Love for Snow: Hikari adores snowy landscapes and often seeks out snowy regions in Kalos for inspiration. She enjoys the serene beauty and tranquility that snow brings.
  • Plush Toy Collection: Hikari has an extensive collection of plush toys, particularly of her favorite Fairy-type Pokémon. She enjoys crafting her own plush designs, adding personal touches to each one.
  • Signature Move: In Pokémon contests, Hikari is known for her Sylveon's signature move, Dazzling Gleam. This move, combined with her creative routines, often leaves the audience mesmerized.
  • Pokémon Contest Champion: Hikari's talent and dedication earned her the title of Top Coordinator at the prestigious Grand Festival in the Kalos region. Her performances are renowned for their grace, creativity, and emotional depth.
  • Favorite Pokémon: While Hikari loves all Fairy-type Pokémon, her bond with her Sylveon, Luna, is particularly special. Luna was her first Pokémon, and their bond has only grown stronger over time.
  • Adventurous Spirit: Hikari loves to explore new places and often goes on adventures throughout the Kalos region. Her curiosity and friendly nature lead her to discover new Pokémon and make new friends along the way.
  • Mentorship: Hikari is passionate about helping others. She often mentors young trainers and aspiring contest participants, sharing her knowledge and love for Pokémon and art.
  • Custom Contest Routines: Hikari is famous for her intricate and beautifully designed contest routines. She spends hours perfecting each performance, ensuring that both she and her Pokémon shine on stage.
  • Fluffy Obsession: Hikari has a particular fondness for fluffy things, whether it's her Alolan Ninetales' soft fur or her collection of fluffy scarves and blankets. This affection for fluffiness is a charming quirk that her friends and Pokémon love about her.
  • Friendship Emblem: As a token of her friendships, Hikari creates small, handmade emblems for her friends and Pokémon. Each emblem is unique and represents the bond she shares with them.

Pokemon Team


Sylveon (Luna)

  • Type: Fairy
  • Gender: Female
  • Ability: Pixilate
  • Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Hyper Voice
  • Trivia: Luna was Hikari's first Pokémon, gifted to her as an Eevee. Their bond is incredibly strong, and Luna is the star of Hikari's Pokémon contests.

Alolan Ninetales (Frost)

  • Type: Ice/Fairy
  • Gender: Female
  • Ability: Snow Cloak
  • Moves: Blizzard, Dazzling Gleam, Aurora Veil, Moonblast
  • Trivia: Hikari met Frost in the snowy highlands of Kalos. Frost's elegance and power added an icy touch of elegance to Hikari's team.

Togekiss (Bliss)

  • Type: Fairy/Flying
  • Gender: Female
  • Ability: Serene Grace
  • Moves: Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Wish
  • Trivia: Bliss is known for her serene and calming presence. Her graceful flying and powerful Fairy-type moves make her a perfect fit for contests.

Gardevoir (Serenity)

  • Type: Psychic/Fairy
  • Gender: Female
  • Ability: Trace
  • Moves: Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind, Healing Wish
  • Trivia: Serenity's psychic abilities and graceful demeanor make her a standout in both battles and contests. Her calming presence is a great comfort to Hikari.

Mawile (Mina)

  • Type: Steel/Fairy
  • Gender: Female
  • Ability: Intimidate
  • Moves: Play Rough, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, Fairy Wind
  • Trivia: Despite her small size, Mina is a fierce competitor. Her dual-type gives Hikari a strategic edge in battles, and her playful nature shines in contests.

Florges (Lily)

  • Type: Fairy
  • Gender: Female
  • Ability: Flower Veil
  • Moves: Moonblast, Petal Dance, Aromatherapy, Grassy Terrain
  • Trivia: Lily's connection to flowers and her ability to create beautiful floral displays make her a favorite in beauty contests. Her healing abilities are also invaluable.