Mishka Anderson



2 years, 23 days ago


Name: Mishka Lilani Anderson

Gender: Girl

Height: 5,6"

Sexuality: Straight

Age (as first appeared in 2010): 19

Species: Mammal (Rat)

Place of Birth: Des Moines, Iowa

First appearance: [undecided]

 Physical Description: Short, rat, chubby at the hips and legs. She has dyed green hair and usually wearing some sort of black lipstick and skimpy outfit. She looks mean and scandalous, but is actually decently nice. Her ears are lined with cartilage hoop shaped piercings.

Personality: She is a usually quiet, angry and loud when she needs to be, young adult. She seems like a bit of an inigma, not letting a lot of people understand her true intentions or traits. She is really headstrong and stubborn and does what she wants. She is loyal and is prone to getting too attatched to people she considers her friends, but she means well.

Likes: Music, dancing, going out, hanging out with friends, going to liveshows and parties, weed, alcohol, dressing up, poetry

Dislikes: Being challenged, people hitting on her or her friends, being bored, people pressing her on her thoughts 

Upbringing: Mishka was born to her two highly religious parents alongside her twin sister, Alison. She grew up having very rigid thoughts about society and what her place was in it, being a hyper religious conservative. Her worldview shattered when she met Carlyle and Frank, two punk rock teen boys who were dating each other. They treated her kindly to her dismay, and opened her up to new ideas and concepts. She and her sister were kicked out of the house for being apostates, moving in with Carlyle and Frank in their apartment. Alison got a scholarship for out of state and Mishka stayed, just going to her state's college.

Any physical or mental impairments?: She is prone to addiction