Witchcore Badger's Comments

I would love to buy them!

Sure thing! My paypal is [email protected] ! <3

Aaaaaaaaaand money has been sent! Any special rules or restrictions or TOS that I should be aware of?

Nope, I know it's important for some people but honestly I don't see the point right now. I'm selling characters because I want people to love them, not like, book covers or something.

Totally understandable; I always ask out of courtesy (and to cover my ass and make sure I can even draw them, make stories for them, etc; there are some characters I own that I can't even draw (or even buy commission art for them) because of provisions in their TOS, which makes me sad)!

Also, not going to lie, really am in love with https://toyhou.se/12905756.hedgehog-monk and I am very, VERY tempted to just impulse buy them.

... I really have to wonder about the enforcability of 'you can't add anything to this', that is some WEIRD and kinda creepy TOS. My Okhong 'taurs used to be in a group where you were ONLY allowed to draw them in the original clothes or it didn't count for group points... but the Mods would draw theirs in different outfits all the time. e_e; (That group I do not miss.)

3 Replies