Fuuka Madoka



2 years, 20 days ago


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A receptionist working at an A.T.F Police Station.

She hates her job; she finds it boring and unamusing. But no matter how much she complains, she always does a proper job and never misses a day of work. She's, however, a terrible socializer. Her RBF and sharp tongue shuns people away, so the only colleague she's close to is Jekyll, the Station's doctor.

She's divorced; Hooked up with her first (and now ex) boyfriend after college and thought it'd be great to work in the same enviroment. They had a daughter together, but Fuuka soon noticed she wasn't the ideal housewife. At all. Soon, love ran out. Fights and arguments became proeminent in the household, so they soon separated; which to Fuuka's surprise, he already had a young chick to date. She has full custody to their daughter, but she still struggles with motherhood and mantaining a house since her job doesn't pay enough for it. She does her best, though, but she has a bad habit of drinking and smoking her worries away.