Yasu Zheng



2 years, 19 days ago


Full Name: Yasu Zheng

Alias: Bai Xiaodan (dead name)

Age: +1000, appears to be in the late 30s.  

Gender: Transwomen

Date of Birth: May 8th.

Birthplace: Guilin, China

Race: Huli Jing  

Eye color: Dark Blue

Hair color: Red (dyed), Dark Brown (natural)

Height: 6’1

Personality: An extremely confident woman with a tongue as sharp as her nails, Yasu is vain to a fault. After years of hiding away, Yasu shows herself off like a queen she is and lets everyone know it. Dramatic and brash, Yasu makes it well known where she stands with you when she meets you. Under the drama queen exteritor, Yasu is actually very intelligent, calculated and loyal. She considers few people to be close to her, but those she does, she would do anything to keep safe. 

Affiliation: Gotei 13 (Post-Aizen Defeat)

Position: New Daidarabotchi Village Head (Post TYBW)

  • After the events of the TYBW and the parts Yasu played with aiding in Soul Society’s victory, Yasu is gifted back the land that was taken from Daidarabotchi Village nearly 500 years prior. She is in charge of all demons and Spirits that come to reside in the village away from the WOTL (small community). 

Former Divisions: Daidarabotchi Village 4th Head (exiled), Piper/ Conservation Ranger (Reverse London, promoted), Top of Horns Communication Officer. 

Abilities: Heightened smell, strength and speed, transformation (Human to Fox) and summoning (spirit foxes).

Marital Status: Courting / Married (Post TYBW)

Love Interest: Kyouraku Shunsui

Meeting when Yasu was still Xiaodan, the 4th head of Daidarabotchi Village, Shunsui and Xiaodan met in their youth. They became drinking buddies, meeting weekly to hang out and enjoy each other's company. They got along well, sharing a very similar sense of humor and had a great trust in each other, Xiaodan often confiding in Shunsui about their concerns with issues going on in the village and Shunsui expressing his opinions on his family duties and concerns with his older brother. Xiaodan celebrated with Shunsui and Jushiro when they graduated from the academy with a grand party, which went down as one of the biggest festivities to ever be thrown in the demon village.

Their relationship soon fell apart quicker than either of them would have imagined.

Upon the discovery of demon experimentation with Squad 12 and the academy, all five of the Daidarabotchi Heads stormed the academy in an attempt to free their captured people. This resulted in the capture and arrest of all five heads, Shunsui arriving in time to see the destruction the brief fight had caused. In charge of bringing Xiaodan to Central 46 for their trial, he questioned why this had happened under his nose. He was unable to attend the trial, due to his friendship with Xiaodan and was ultimately horrified by Central 46’s decision to eradicate Daidarabotchi Village in two days' time. 

The night before the Daidarabotchi Village eradication, Xiaodan and Shunsui fell apart quickly. As Xiaodan evacuated the village, Shunsui visited one last time, the two fighting over what had happened. Xiaodan blamed Shunsui for hiding information, Shunsui was hurt by the accusations, not knowing what was talked about during the trial. Sometime after the village is gone, Shunsui finds out the truth of what went down. Unable to cope, he finds and collects whatever evidence he can in hopes of one day being able to bring his friend back to Soul Society.

It would be hundreds of years before the two would meet again, this time Shunsui meeting her as Yasu Zheng, the Reverse London Goodwill Ambassador. Enamored by her breathtaking looks, Shunsui played his part of being a good host, showing Yasu around Soul Society when she came for business. Initially stiff and uninterested, Yasu began to warm up around her old friend, letting her guard down and some time after Aizen’s defeat, let Shunsui in on her past. Shocked by the changes and the time apart, Yasu and Shunsui’s relationship slowly became more than a friendship and into something more. 

After the events of the TYBW, Shunsui and Yasu are married in a private ceremony, due to the injuries Yasu sustained during the war. During her recovery period, comments were made about the couple’s lack of family, commenting that the Head Captain should have children and not remain childless because his wife cannot bare children. (Very few people are aware that Yasu is trans. Due to the state of her injury and being a demon, it is assumed she cannot have children with Shunsui) During this time, Yasu and Shunsui adopt eight children.

In order from Eldest to youngest: Hanzo, Huojin, Ranmaru, Nobunaga, Goemon, Naho.


History (Author’s Note: Yasu will be referred to as they/them for a section of the history, as this was prior to her transition. Her dead name will also be included.)

Born and raised in Guilin, China, Xiaodan travelled across the globe in search for good hunting grounds and a safe haven to live in. As Huli Jing’s survived off of eating spiritual energy, like many demons and spirits of the time, creatures of their kind were often hunted by humans, making it near impossible to reside in the World of the Living. During this time, Xiaodan found themselves in the Seireitei after a long, fruitless hunt. It was there they came across the makings of Daidarabotchi Village, located on the outskirts of the 79th district of the Rukongai. Offered food and shelter by the few residents of the village, they explained how the Soul Society had given them a small bit of land to create their community in, aware of how humans were hunting spirits and demons alike. 

Noting the potential of the village, they stuck with Xiaodan and offered to help in any way they could. Through their combined efforts with other spirits, Xiaodan secured themselves not only a hunting ground, but a community safe from the World of the Living. Daidarabotchi Village was soon thriving with demons, spirits and mythical creatures alike, living alongside Soul Society peacefully. 

Central 46, however, did not see it as peaceful. With the ever increasing number of residents to Daidarabotchi Village, the concern of them overpopulating and overpowering them only grew. In an attempt to find a way to suppress them, Central 46 allowed for Academy students to kidnap spirits and demons to be experimented on, corpses left with Squad 12 to be tested on. Upon the discovery of what was happening to their missing community members, Daidarabotchi Village’s five village heads stormed the Academy in order to free their people. As a result, both guilty and innocent students alike were killed and injured in the crossfire. The five heads were soon arrested and brought to trial with Central 46. 

Xiaodan’s trial was the final of the five. Upon entering the trial hearing, Xiaodan was met with the list of their crimes and the fates of the other four heads of Daidarabotchi Village. As a show of mercy, Central 46 does not have Xiaodan executed, but instead informs them that Daidarabotchi Village will be eradicated in two days' time. Any demons, spirits or mythical creatures found in Soul Society will be slaughtered on sight. Given the experiments that had been performed by the academy and Squad 12’s findings, it is made clear to Xiaodan that Daidarabotchi Villagehas no hope of surviving that attack. Releasing Xiaodan back to the village, they inform the community that they must leave, or be killed. Few spirits decided to stay back and fight, but Xiaodan leads the remaining spirits back to the WOTL.

After the eradication of Daidarabotchi Village, Xiaodan returned to the World of the Living with a deep-rooted grudge against the Soul Society. Xiaodan soon found Reverse London and when it became apparent that otherworldly type creatures were not affected by exposure to dragons, Xiaodan was employed through Reverse London as a Conservation Ranger and recruiter. This allowed for some safe haven for some demons and spirits in the WOTL.

During this time, Xiaodan transitioned to a woman and gave herself the name Yasu.

Yasu had received a promotion after some time to become a Communications Officer for the Top of Horns, working under the elder gentleman, Tronbone Takkinen. It was through these communications Yasu caught wind of the current state of things in Soul Society, with the disappearance of Urahara and some of the Gotei 13 Captains. During this time, Yasu was granted the title of Reverse London Goodwill Ambassador, allowing her access to the Seireitei once again.