Bugsy Buttugsy



2 years, 13 days ago


Name: Bugsy Buttugsy

Nicknames: Bug, Hubba Bubba, Bubsy, Buggy

Age: 4

Gender: Male 

Fur Tone: Brown Rust & Iridium

Eyes: Zeus

Race: Shih Tzu/ Terrier

Species: Dog

Height: 16 Inches

Weight: 18 Pounds

Birthday: December 24th

Sign: Capricorn

Abilities: Loud barks

Likes: Running, Toys, Plush toys, Roughhousing, Playing, Eating. Biscuits, Barking at random things, Tad, Jumping onto chairs, Toy squirrels, Other dogs, Bones, Bananas, Squeaky chew toys, Comfy blankets, Sunlight, People especially the TaeSona's

Dislikes: Masks, New things in a familiar place, Not being able to eat table scraps, Smoke, or steam, Being held for too long, Being away from people for too long, Rainy days, Being stuck in an unfamiliar area for too long

Voice Headcannon: Bugsys Actual Barks

Theme Song: A Bit Bugsy by Tae Draws

Personality: Bugsy being based on a real pet of the creator is, of course, a Lil crazy. After all his name is Bugsy. Running around and barking at whatever he feels like. Not typically listening to orders or even someone calling his name...unless he wants to of course. Selective hearing is the best way to describe it. He loves playing, whether it be chasing or fetching Bugsy is full of energy most of the time! Especially when the sun is out. When Bugsy wants something he will stop at nothing to get it, full of ambition this little pup is ready for action! But if you need someone to help you, he will stand by your leg and be quite literally mans best friend. 

Bio: The story of how Bugsy was adopted was a story of fate. Tad Climbe was on one of the many hitchhiking adventures that lead him to a small pet shop. This pet shop had tons of cute puppies but one of them for some reason wasn't looked at much. That puppy was Bugsy. He was odd, the main reason people didn't choose him was the coloring of his fur. Tad didn't pay that any mind as he watched him play. He even pets his head for a bit. But Tad figured he didn't need a furry companion so shortly after,  left the pet shop with no dog. But fate has its ways of pulling people together. The day Tad was supposed to start heading to a new spot he saw the dog again as he was riding on the back of someone's truck. Something about Bugsy called out to him, so he jumped off and purchased the puppy that day. The two have been inseparable ever since.