


2 years, 6 days ago

Basic Info

Real Name:







Tentacle King Cal

The tentacle race has many lower life forms that often attack and lay eggs in their host but occasionally a rare one appears with a human like form. These are known as Kings. Kings have the ability to take a hosts dna and merge it with another host dna or with their own to create a new lifeform. This is an amazing scientific feat for couples who cannot have children but want them.

The galactic authority has deemed them protected and it is forbidden to kill them. They are captured and regulated. However there are some captured for black market sale and others so terrifying and strong that they cannot be managed. 

Because most tentacle monsters do not have the ability to think aside from basic reproduction and survival there are trained hunters that are assigned to detain or destroy them.

Cal is from an ancient race that created and controlled armies of them. A King is a type of Alpha that can command them. Most Kings pop up randomly and have no way of learning anything other than how to survive but Cal is of royal blood and is 1000s of years old. His father combined his dna with other species to create him and his siblings. Cal and his brother Mour are full blooded from a Queen and King. His other full blooded siblings were wiped out in a Great War and his brother Mour was captured and sold on the black market.

Cal was also captured and traded until he was finally locked away and is now in the hands of the galactic authority. They have tried to regulate him but because he is well educated from his upbringing the authorities have no way of outsmarting him or bending him to their will. All children from his bloodline possess incredible abilities. His is a pheromone that when released allows him control emotions or render his potential host almost incapable of disobeying his commands once they inhale it. He does not use it however on sentient beings unless it is his only option. He prefers to not take away a persons will since he experiences this too often but he does occasionally shift someone’s emotions.

He is also a shapeshifter. He can manipulate his features to allow him to hide or become the perfect mate for his targeted host.

All tentacle boys have a tentacle form.

Minky is the first to treat him as an equal in a very long time. He agrees to become hers and assist her with her work. He is collared and chipped by the authority and eventually helps find and bond his siblings to her as well. Because the galactic authority is afraid of them they allow for minky to host them.