Tripp Miller



2 years, 13 days ago


Species: Human (French-American)

Gender: Transgender male

Height/Weight: 5'2" 120lbs

Body type: Rectangle

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthdate: August 16th

Age: 17 years old

Zodiac: Leo

Status: Single

Theme song: Talking about Bri - MegaGoneFree

Voice headcanon: Katsuma (Moshi Monsters the Movie)

Favourite quote: "Your mom is kinda wack not gonna lie, you having to get married before you're 21? That sucks."

Personality: Lazy, procrastinator, anti-social

Nicknames: मूर्ख (Pronunciation: moorkh), Tripper

Weapon: Unsure.... maybe tail

Power: Cat-like abilities

Likes: Cats, manga, anime, books, monster energy drinks

Dislikes: Dogs, zoology, his mother

Other: Tripp isn't like other boys, he got major mommy issues.

Info: Tripp's life was ok for most of his life until the first time he he saw the app for the magical kid center. It appeared on his phone one day and he tried to get rid of it with no luck, eventually he smashed his phone to try and get rid of it and it worked... for 3 years... until he turned 17 and it popped up again. He didn't expect himself to know what would happen if he even opened it but I doubt he was expecting becoming a magical boy. At first he thought the MKC was transphobic until he saw a trans woman and a cisgender male, it changed his mind. He isn't sure what to do to STOP being a magical boy but he'll do whatever means necessary.