The Cherished



2 years, 19 days ago

Basic Info

Reminder to Self:


Note to Artists:

Please draw as androgenous/only slightly fem leaning


The Cherished

The Cherished, otherwise known as Cherish, is a feral tiefling and wayward child of Dispater. Not much is known about them as they are a hard-to-approach individual with mistrust burned into their very bones and very few acquaintances. For much of their life they stalked the Snowlands utterly alone, stealing what they must or wish from the many settlements that dot the land. The Snowlands are their home and their haunting grounds.

They are known by the settled-folk as a phantom that comes with the Blizzards, often mistaken as a child of Levistus and accused of bringing the storms. Some moreā€¦ inclined settlements have taken to leaving offerings for Cherish. Cherish doesn't complain.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Humorous Serious


  • Freshly fallen snow
  • Things that are shiny or glitter
  • Freshly baked bread
  • Sweets
  • Fur


  • Loud noises
  • Wolves
  • Sour foods
  • Hunters


  • I think I'd prefer for Cherish to be drawn androgenous/only fem leaning.
  • Any pronouns suffice, I just use They/Them the most often.
  • Headpiece is inspired by FE3H Rhea
  • No one, not even themself, knows the story of how they found themselves in the Snowlands.
  • Was born to a wandering Tiefling mother. She cared deeply for her child regardless of the abandonment (likely caused by unavoidable circumstances) and therefore left them with a name, The Cherished, in hopes that they will have a future of being cherished.
  • Their mother was a bard, and perhaps that explains Cherish's strong inclination towards music.
  • Their tail is long, slender, and flexible. They have minor dexterity in it, and it can be used to manipulate smaller objects.
  • Yeah, they purr. I don't make the rules.
  • Some skills they have or will eventually have: Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts, Darkvision, Darkness
  • Languages: Common and Infernal
  • I'm not entirely sure about class just yet. Maybe Druid (moon/stars).

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