Leoka Rel



2 years, 3 months ago


Leoka Rel


blunt • competitive • secretive

Name Leoka Rel
Called Leo
Pronouns They/Them
Age 47
Height 5'9"
Race Triton
Class Monk
Demeanor Cocky
HTML Pinky

Another D&D character I hope to play one day! They are a Way of the Astral Self monk, with a bit of homebrew based off of the Way of the Cobalt Soul. Leo is a bit surly and standoff-ish, and always seems to be in a mood.

Leo's Playlist! (WIP)



  • Cool Glass Bottles
  • Wine
  • Rain
  • Silly Games


  • Large Bodies of Water
  • Going Underwater
  • Heat
  • Wearing Shoes

"Tell me to put shoes on one more time and I'm breaking both your kneecaps."


Leo was born in the deep sea city of Esylrin as the third child to the highborn family of Makor, and as is custom, was immediately given to the Order of Rel, the city's holy protectors. They grew up amongst the other children given to the Order and considers them all their family, even the ones that flunked out of training.

Leo struggled as a teen when they began training, even though they had a good amount of talent. Young Leo could often be found goofing off with friends, playing pranks, terrifying the younger kids, or getting drunk on smuggled Buoy Fruit. Only their mentor Rannas seemed to care if Leo was thriving, but they often butted heads over training, duties, and Leo's overall bad attitude. Rannas had to save Leo from getting expelled several times over their antics, but he never seemed to give up hope that Leo would one day become one of Esylrin’s greatest protectors. Leo in turn resented him for the pressure that expectation put upon them, but secretly strived to fulfill it.

Surprising pretty much everyone but Rannas, Leo managed to pull their head out of their ass just in time to become Exalted (graduate) with the rest of their class. They received their markings (all full Order members have something similar, though all are unique), and took up their duty of protecting their city from the threats of the world around them.


However, Leo had been Exalted only a few months when the city was attacked. No one saw what happened, just felt a static shock rumble through the city, and chaos erupted. In waves, the people of the city began to choke on the water they usually breathed with ease, and chaos spread quickly as people started to panic. Leo was training with Rannas in the Temple of Rel when it happened, and Rannas managed to save them even as he was drowning. He pressed the Order of Rel's sacred teaching scroll into their arms and pushed them out of the temple with his last bit of strength.

Leo fled the city, swimming desperately for the ocean's surface as they too started to drown as the bodies of their people began to fill the water around them. Once they broke through the waves, Leo started swimming for the nearest but still distant port town of Opahl, too afraid to dip beneath the water lest they continue to suffocate, or worse, see the fates of those left below.


Borne by the tides and currents, Leo made it to the shore exhausted, traumatized, many miles away from Ophal, but alive nonetheless. For days they sat on that empty beach, scavenging for food in the surrounding jungle, too afraid to enter the water to fish, hoping against hope that more of their people would make it to shore as they did. After nearly a week of waiting however, Leo faced the horrifying realization that no one else was coming, stuffed all their feelings into a tiny box at the back of their mind, and at last set out to Opahl to figure out what the hell to do now.

Leo labors under the assumption that none of their people survived, instead of hoping that some did and being let down with the truth later.

  • Leo is still afraid of water! Bathubs/pools and shallow streams don't bother them, but anything where their feet can't touch the bottom freaks them out to the point that they point blank refuse to get in.
  • When asked, Leo will say that they rebelled against the Order of Rel and stole the scroll, instead of admitting that they fled while their people died around them.
  • They try to pass off their fear of water as fear that the Order of Rel can track them if they're underwater, which would lead to trouble as the Order would no doubt be looking for them for "stealing" their scroll.
  • Leo likes to collect cool glass bottles, since all glass in Esylrin had to be imported and was therefore rare and quite expensive
  • Once on the surface, Leo took up drawing and spends most of their down time sketching the faces of their friends so they won't forget them.
  • The blade of their glaive/bo staff is made of special deep sea obsidian that is enchanted to be as strong as steel. Such weapons are reserved especially for the Order of Rel, and the blade can be removed and used as a dagger.


If you want friends...



...turns out you can't be a bitch to everyone you meet



Leo has problems understanding this