


6 years, 5 months ago


  • Mazzy

  • Age 24
  • Gender Female
  • Race Afro-Caribbean
  • Alignment Chaotic Good

"Thanks, I got it on sale!"

Although Mazzy doesn't have the biggest presence on Instagram, nothing can deter her from pursuing her passion for style. She's not really interested in trends, though - she's way more interested in the fun of exploring thrift shops and wearing whatever she likes at the moment, and it shows through her posts. Her days often consist of running to local thrift shops with friends and finding the best spots in the city to take pictures. Rather than setting trends, she hopes to inspire others to dress however they like - fashion would get so boring otherwise! As she loves staying on budget and looking for bargains, she's often the mom of the friend group and keeps her more frivilous friends in check when they get out of control. Friends and family appreciate her creativity, and regardless of her small following online she never fails to impact the lives of those closest to her.


DoB: May 7
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5'7
Build: Hourglass
Demeanor: Sassy af
  • Thrifting
  • Big cities
  • Bubble tea
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Short relationships
  • Free time




No matter how successful she becomes, it's impossible for Mazzy to forget where she came from. Ever since her father fell ill, her family has relied on the support of her mother, which meant a tight budget. She remembers classmates picking on her or teasing her for ill-fitting, mismatched, secondhand clothes, but she never had the heart to tell her mother. And really, Mazzy couldn't have cared less - she knew her mother worked hard and always appreciated her frugality. She always made the best of it, and no matter how out of style her clothes might have looked, she would make the cutest outfits possible and wear them to school with pride. As Mazzy grew older and started working part-time to help out, she started to get even more interested in clothes. She usually spent her money very practically, but she would always save a few bucks to buy different fashion magazines every month. While she would occasionally see a piece she liked, she knew that all of the clothes pictured had a disgustingly high price. Still, she would flip through the pages before bed and dream of a style platform for girls like her - girls of color, girls who couldn't afford to shop at the mall, let alone buy $300 jeans... girls who deserved to look good while they were struggling.

During her senior year in high school, Mazzy got her first smartphone. She was thrilled - her magazine expenses were nonexistent. Instead, she frequented Instagram and YouTube, keeping up with a handful of fashion an beauty influencers. Over time, she saw an increase in thrift haul videos. So many style influencers were sharing their thrift store finds and drugstore makeup. Sometimes, Mazzy would just laugh, finding it funny that people who were so privileged made a trend out of picking through the same clothes she had been teased for wearing in middle school. But it started making her think: What if there was an influencer who cared less about fast fashion and keeping up with trends and more about frugality? Her trips to the thrift store became much more frequent, and each time she would carefully pick out statement pieces and accessories, always making sure to get as much use out of them as possible. After each trip, she always reported back to her mother in excitement, gushing about her finds, and her mother would smile as she helped take pictures for Instagram. Slowly, Mazzy started growing in popularity and gaining followers ...


Mazzy definitely got her amazing budgeting abilities from her mother - she's the queen of saving and spending wisely. And really, her outfits do turn out looking pretty cute. She has a great creative eye that allows her to figure out which patterns, colors, and textures will look good together, but her fashion sense is definitely more spontaneous than calculated. Her responsibility makes her a motherly figure, and she generally has a cool temper. Although she had few friends in high school, her personality makes her fairly easy to get along with, and she now makes new friends with ease.


While Mazzy is generally kind-hearted, her sass and confidence can come off as intimidating. Often, her free spirit conflicts with her fear of overspending or indulging, and it's difficult for her to agree to hang out with friends just to grab lunch or boba. Moreover, although she loves fashion, she doesn't have enough of a following to support herself through social media alone. In reality, she's a part-time influencer and full-time whatever job she can keep up with at the time, so she sometimes feels trapped as if she doesn't really have a purpose. College is expensive, and no one in her family really has that kind of money. Maybe one day, she could go to some sort of fashion or art school... who knows.