Dr. Damini Bhatt



2 years, 25 days ago



Item #: SCP-6896

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: No containment procedures needed beyond keeping Dr. Bhatt out of the knowledge of any groups of interest.

Temporary Containment Procedure Update: Dr. Bhatt is no longer allowed to closely interact with any D-class with a history of hostage-taking (See addendum 6896.4).

Description: SCP-6896 (to be referred to by her name, Dr. Damini Bhatt, at all times save for this official record) is an Indian-American woman in her late twenties, standing approximately 1.6 meters (5 foot 4 inches). She is severely nearsighted and has been for most of her life, according to Dr. Bhatt herself. She is of average weight and fitness for her age and height. Outwardly, Dr. Bhatt displays no anomalous effects.

Dr. Bhatt's anomalous properities are shown when interacting with various other anomalies. Depending on the SCP, the anomaly it has does not affect Dr. Bhatt, or affects her differently to a lessened extent. This effect was also seen in Dr. Bhatt's late brother during the Foundation's first encounter with her during an SCP-2852 Black-Level event (see addendum 6896.1). Dr. Bhatt shows expceptional knowledge of various aspects of biology and chemistry and, alongside the fact that her anomalous qualities pose no threat, she is allowed to continue work as usual for the Foundation. All requests to test her capabilities on a new SCP are to be passed through Site Director Bright and the O5 Council before testing begins, and all new tests must have contingencies in the event that Dr. Bhatt's anomalous properties do not protect her.

Addendum 6896.1: Discovery

SCP-6896 was originally encountered during an SCP-2852 Black-Level event at the ███████ Church in ███████. At the time, she was seven-years-old, and her younger brother was four-years-old. MTF-Upsilon-36 responded to the appearance of SCP-2852 and were prepping for the end of the event when two children exited the church, seemingly terrified of whatever was going on within. Both were held back and questioned. Both Bhatt and her brother reported the incident, but did not display the usual effects of SCP-2852. This was originally suspected to have been because they were foster children of the ████ Family during the funeral, but later incidents would disprove the theory.

Location where SCP-6896 was first encountered.

The initial interview with Dr. Damini Bhatt before being given amnestics and moved to a new foster family with her brother.1

Date: 03/05/2002

Interviewer: Dr. █████ Jefferson

Interviewee: SCP-6896 (Damini Bhatt)


Dr. Jefferson: So. I've been told you've had an interesting evening, kid. Do you wish to talk about it?

Damini Bhatt: (inaudible mumbling)

Dr. Jefferson: May you please speak up? Can I ask your name?

Damini Bhatt: (pauses) Damini Bhatt, sir.

Dr. Jefferson: (sound of writing) Nice to meet you, Damini. I'm Dr. Jefferson. I just have a few questions about what happened in the ███████ Church, if that's alright.

Damini Bhatt: That's fine, I guess. Did you ask Ishaan the same things?

Dr. Jefferson: He's being interviewed by someone a bit more skilled with someone at that age.2 I hope you don't mind.

(There's a short silence before Damini nods.)

Damini Bhatt: What exactly d'ya wanna know about?

Dr. Jefferson: Can you recount what happened before you and your brother left the church?

Damini Bhatt: Well... I don't entirely know who the funeral was for. Our foster parents hadn't really introduced us to the rest of the family. So... (pause) So when that man walked up to speak, I wasn't scared. Nothing he said made sense though. This is the only funeral I've been to, but he was barely speaking words. He sounded like my brother when he was younger.

Dr. Jefferson: Do you recall any of what he said?

Damini Bhatt: No. He spoke a lot and it was getting mashed together in my head. Ishaan noticed it too but I just held his hand tighter to keep him from acting out. Not in front of them, anyway. I only got scared when our foster father went up to the casket and opened it. He... (at this point, Damini starts shaking and is given a few minutes to calm down) He didn't have a knife with him when we left, but he pulled one out and... cut his neck. Ishaan screamed then. I dunno if I screamed. I think he should have been hurt after that, but he just bled into the... casket? I think that's what it was.

Dr. Jefferson: I see. (more sounds of writing) Then what happened?

Damini Bhatt: They all began hurting themselves and bleeding into the casket. Even the other kids. But they didn't look back at us, so I took Ishaan's hand and ran out. That's when the men with the guns found us and called you. Can I see my brother now? Please?

Dr. Jefferson: One last question - what was this man's name?

Damini Bhatt: (a long pause) I don't know. He never said it, I don't think. If he did I wouldn't have heard it.

Dr. Jefferson: Alright, Damini, that's all I have for you. Thank you for answering my questions. We're going to have to find a new foster family for you, though - you don't want to be around after this.

Damini Bhatt: That's fine. They... didn't like us much, anyway.


Interviewer's Note: Damini and her brother were the only two individuals interviewed that day who did not call SCP-2852 by the name usually given to it, 'Cousin Johnny.' We don't exactly know why the two weren't effected - possibly because they're only foster kids and haven't been officially adopted? We haven't considered that angle yet, have we? Maybe 2852 only affects those close to the deceased in instances such as a Black-Level event. - Dr. Jefferson

Addendum 6896.2: Post-Breach Interview

SCP-6896 began working for the Foundation in late 201█ at Site-19. During a containment breach that freed SCP-049, Dr. Bhatt, unconscious at the time (according to her, from the panic of the situation), was found and moved by 049 in a strange behavioral display to a closet away from the danger of the escaped anomalies. After an interview with 049 when containment was re-established, it claimed that Damini was "free of the Pestilence." Another test was conducted with a minor infohazard, to which Dr.Bhatt showed no effect other than discomfort, and the Black-Level event she was involved with was dug up from Foundation records.

After initial observations were made, Site Director Dr. Jack Bright expressed wishes to interview Dr. Bhatt himself, as he "was the one to suggest her to come here." Dr. Bright was given the files on Cousin Johnny and the old file containing Damini's original interview.

Date: 3/12/201█

Interviewer: Dr. Jack Bright

Interviewee: SCP-6896 (Dr. Damini Bhatt)


Dr. Bhatt: You know, this feels vaguely familiar.

Dr. Bright: What does?

Dr. Bhatt: Being interviewed about some weird shit I was involved with. I've done them before - like with 6952 - but... No, yeah, it's being on this side, now that you're messing with a notebook.

Dr. Bright: (pen click) Well, not surprised, given that the Foundation interviewed you before.

Dr. Bhatt: (pause) They... what?

Dr. Bright: May 3rd, 2002. There was a funeral that day, correct?

Dr. Bhatt: I... Yeah, there was, but I barely remember that day. I know there was a funeral, but I probably blocked it out after Ishaan... you know.

Dr. Bright: There was an incident that day. (shuffling papers) A brutal incident. Have you heard of SCP-2852, Dr. Bhatt?

Dr. Bhatt: In passing, yes.

(Dr. Bright hands a file on SCP-2582 to Dr. Bhatt, and the interview goes silent for several minutes)

Dr. Bhatt: (heavy breathing) What is this?

Dr. Bright: Cousin Johnny. Nasty fucker - rather gruesome effects, as you can see. (laughs) The Foundations's been after its ass since they discovered it. But I'm more interested in your thoughts on the Black-Level event, Dr. Bhatt.

Dr. Bhatt: It's... How the hell...?

(Dr. Bright passes Dr. Bhatt another piece of paper)

Dr. Bright: There's also this, if you want more information on what happened that day.

Dr. Bhatt: (pause) What the hell...?

Dr. Bright: It seems this isn't the first time you've been shielded from an anomaly, Dr. Bhatt. And it seems that you found your way into the one place on this goddamn planet that's just chock-full of anomalies, huh?

Dr. Bhatt: Shit... Holy shit...


Interviewer's Note: Dr. Bhatt was given time to comprehend what I told her, though we all know what happens when a Foundation researcher becomes an anomaly - or was one to begin with, in this case. At any rate, this could be beneficial for O5 to think over. Dr. Bhatt has an ability that, if tested properly, could help her research anomalies that some of us can barely get close to. Consider it, at least - if not because of her anomaly, then because she's a damn good researcher. Do you know how hard it is to find those? - Dr. Bright

Addendum 6896.3: Observation Log

Due to the possible scope of Dr. Bhatt's anomalous nature, several tests were suggested to both Site Director Bright and the O5 Council, several of which were denied for being too risky for the knowledge they had. Many of Dr. Bhatt's interactions with more dangerous SCPs have happened during breaches and field work - any and all suggestions for tests must pass Site Director and O5 approval before they can begin.

Below is a log of the various tests done on Dr. Bhatt with other anomalous entities.

Observational Log 6896.OL.1 SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-6856

Preface: Dr. Bhatt was instructed to stand in a neutral pose while a single picture of her was taken with SCP-978.

Observation Notes: Similar to the test alongside SCP-148, the picture produced by 978 was blurred and difficult to examine, though on closer analysis, Dr. Bhatt could be seen laughing with who appears to be her brother, Ishaan Bhatt, who had been in a coma for several years by that point. It has been suggested that Dr. Bhatt contains trace amounts of SCP-148 in her blood, but the theory was dropped due to 148 only blocking the psychic properties of other SCPs, and the event with 049 being of a non-psychic nature.

Observational Log 6896.OL.2 SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-6856

Preface: Dr. Bhatt, after asking for permission to visit SCP-999 during her break, was observed by site staff to see if 999 would have any effect on her.

Observation Notes: SCP-999 was rather excited when Dr. Bhatt entered its containment enclosure, and Dr. Bhatt herself seemed to show the usual signs of being affected by 999. The two were observed playing together for half an hour before Dr. Bhatt returned to her work. Several other instances of visiting 999 that day showed the same results. Dr. Bhatt reported that SCP-999 smelled of the forest.

Memo by Dr. Martin █████████: It's heartwarming that Dr. Bhatt can gain the benefits of interacting with SCP-999, but I think we're all forgetting something - she is still affected by this anomaly. She is affected by this anomaly that doesn't have super strength or strange weapons, but simply does something odd, like 049. I think the implications of this should be rather alarming for all future tests involving Dr. Bhatt.

Observational Log 6896.OL.3 SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-6856

Preface: After weeks of planning, Dr. Bhatt was briefed on SCP-1128 and was given a description of the entity to read. Afterwards, she was lowered into a tub of water via winch and cable.

Observation Notes: Dr. Bhatt expressed mild discomfort while reading the notes about the entity, and while she showed mild hydrophobia before being lowered into the pool, she believed it was more likely because she knew what she could encounter over the usual effects of 1128. When she was lowered fully into the water she could be seen just fine thoughout, waving before she was pulled back out. Since then, Dr. Bhatt has shown interest in researching SCP-1128, which O5 approved of days later.

Addendum 6896.3: Incident 096-1-A

On ██/██/202█, SCP-096 broke containment during Incident 096-1-A (see SCP-096 file for specifics of containment breach). Dr. Damini Bhatt, alongside MTF Operative Iris 'Hel' Bergfalk of MTF-Alpha-2, was present at Area-██ during the breach, though neither were near 096's containment cell at the time. According to audio logs taken by Hel during the breach, alongside security footage taken at the time of the incident, Dr. Bhatt had seen 096's face, and while the entity seemed startled for a moment, it eventually returned to hunting down the original 096-1. Dr. Bhatt and Hel joined MTF-Tau-1, citing Dr. Bhatt's immunity to SCP-096's anomalous effects as a possible way to help contain it. Below are audio logs taken from various points of the breach.

Bodycam footage from Iris Bergfalk, callsign 'Hel,' and Dr. Bhatt, alongside MTF-Tau-1, within Osprey

Dr. Bhatt: (Dr. Bhatt appears to be listening to the discussions between ER, MTF-Tau-1, and Big Brother) Jesus Christ, how quickly is that thing moving?

Hel: Faster than Echo Romeo, I think. Last I heard they lost it a few miles back.

Dr. Bhatt: Shit... I saw the damn thing. How many people have done that and lived?

Hel: No one. Save for someone very, very far away. For a bit, at least. 096 always finds its targets.

Dr. Bhatt: (Dr. Bhatt is still for a few moments, before she's seen to start hyperventilating) Shit. Shit, shit, SHIT! It's on the I-40. Iris -

Hel: Breathe, D. Tau-1 can handle this. You have nothing to fear from 096.

Dr. Bhatt: Sure... (Dr. Bhatt breathes shakily) But everyone else does.

Bodycam footage from Hel within the town of ██████. Hel has been noted to have blindfolded herself at the time.

Dr. Bhatt: They're going to shoot anyone who takes off their blindfold?

Hel: The moment they see it, they're doomed anyway. Might as well give them a quicker death than what 096 will do to 'em - SHIT!

(SCP-096, blurred by standard procedure, is seen tripping and falling through several buildings on its way to 096-1. Several civillians remove their blindfolds; shots are fired, though Hel and Dr. Bhatt move away from the crowd)

Dr. Bhatt: Holy shit. Holy shit. I think it just -

Hel: Don't think about it, just lead me away from the damn gunshots. What's the status of MTF-Tau-1?

Dr. Bhatt: It got several of them. It dragged a man out of a house before turning on them when they saw it.

Hel: How the fuck - I thought Dr. ███████ got them all SCRAMBLE.3 Are you telling me it isn't fucking working? Our one proper step-up against this fucker?

Dr. Bhatt: Oh, God...

Dr. Bhatt was returned to Site-19 after the initial clean-up of 096-1-A was complete. Once more, Site Director Jack Bright interviewed both Dr. Bhatt and Iris Bergfalk about the events of that day, especially surrounding Dr. Bhatt's newfound immunity.

Date: 03/12/202█

Interviewer: Dr. Jack Bright

Interviewee: SCP-6896 (Dr. Damini Bhatt)


Dr. Bhatt: (Dr. Bhatt sits silently and refuses a coffee brought by Dr. Bright)

Dr. Bright: You've had a rough few days, huh?

Dr. Bhatt: That's similar what Dr. Jefferson told me when Ishaan and I were at the Black-Level event. Feels fucking fantastic to have seen something worse than that. (she eventually drinks from the coffee) You're going to ask about how I saw it without getting killed, huh?

Dr. Bright: Always quick on your feet, Damini. Iris told me what happened. She's worried for you. Was on my ass until I told her I'd check in on you and what happened.

Dr. Bhatt: What else is there to say? I saw 096. It looked at me for a moment and then rushed past toward the exit. Got scraped up a bit but nothing serious.

Dr. Bright: (getting frustrated) Damini, you were there for the whole thing. Dammit, you were right up with it when it was finally contained. We want to know what it looked like to you -

Dr. Bhatt: It looked like a fucking monster, Jack! Big, gangly thing. Long face, big mouth. Crystal clear. A monster, as it's always been. A monster that... God, that minivan...

(there's a tense silence for a few moments)

Dr. Bhatt: I hope Daniel gets reprimanded for this disaster. We could've had it contained before that family drove in if Tau-1 was able to contain it after it got its victim. Might've saved some lives that day instead of just watching an absolute massacre.

Dr. Bright: Actually, Dr. Daniel was given permission to finally start attempts to terminate 096. Sorry to disappoint.

Dr. Bhatt: (pause) What?


Interviewer's Note: I don't think I've ever seen someone get that angry at what should've been good news, but Damini isn't an idiot. Something about the whole case seems odd. I did gleam one thing from this, though - Damini isn't being shielded from the anomalies. To be more accurate, she's being hidden from them. 096 didn't attack her because it didn't know she was there. 049's deadly touch didn't register her at all - neither did its seemingly obsessive nature toward the Pestilence, whatever the hell it is. I just hope she'll stop focusing so much on Dr. Dan's recent project. I think she's spent the whole night since the interview searching through the files on the incident. - Dr. Bright

Addendum 6896.4: 05/20//2022 Incident

During a standard test of SCP-1128, this time with plans to bring unconventional weaponry into the water alongside the infected D-class, Dr. Bhatt was preparing to take notes alongside Dr. ██████ White, Dr. Dahlia Nobles, Dr. Martin █████████, and Dr. Cezary Staniszweski. White, Nobles, Martin █████████, and Staniszweski were all outside of the main testing chamber while Dr. Bhatt prepared D-1730 for testing. Both Dr. Bhatt and D-1730 were equipped with bodycams and wireless communication devices were spread across all of the researchers and the D-class. Before Dr. Bhatt could begin the test, however, D-1730 (who had a history of hostage-taking) grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the water with him. Both disappeared entirely and Site Director Bright was alerted to the situation. At several instances during the event, Dr. Bhatt resurfaced momentarily before seemingly being dragged back down.

Below is an audio transcript taken from the communication devices during the incident.


Dr. Bright: D-1730? D-1730, get the fuck on the line!

D-1730: Goddamn, you're loud. You're lucky we aren't sinking too far - your girl's got a pair of lungs on her, but if we were any deeper she'd probably drown before she could surface -

Dr. Bright: Why did you abduct Dr. Bhatt? Of all of the researchers in this goddamn facility, you chose -

D-1730: Because she's an asset. And I don't wanna be killed by one of your fucked up abominations, alright?

(Dr. Bhatt surfaces momentarily and gasps for breath, before being yanked back down by, seemingly, D-1730)

D-1730: Kinda surprised, truthfully. I knew about her shield, but tranferring it? That wasn't what he told me. (pause) Might wanna hurry on what you wanna do. If I'm allowed to leave this shithole, then you can pull us both back up. It's your call, Doctor.

Dr. Nobles: Is he seriously trying to hold her for ransom?

Dr. Staniszweski: (checking the body cams) Shit. I think I see the thing. It's massive -

Dr. Bright: Don't describe it, dammit!

(D-1730 suddenly shouts, but he appears unharmed when SCP-1128 moves past. However, blood still surfaces on the top of the water in the tub)

Dr. Martin I thought Dr. Bhatt was immune to this thing?

(Dr. Martin and the various other research staff start to get the winch ready when, on the video feed, 1128 appears again, this time slashing Dr. Bhatt's leg with one of its teeth. After a brief struggle, Dr. Bhatt frees herself from D-1730's grasp. As she surfaces, D-1730's scream echoes through the communicators before the feed goes dark.)

Dr. Bhatt was immediately transferred to recieve emergency medical treatment. She suffered severe lacerations to her leg and side, though she was stablized within the night after several hours of work by medical staff. She is expected to be within physical therapy for a few weeks due to the damage done to her leg.

After an investigation, Dr. White, under intense scrutinization, was terminated after confessing to revealing Dr. Bhatt's anomalous properties to the D-class and helping plan the attempt on Dr. Bhatt's life. Dr. Martin █████████ requested an interview with Dr. Bhatt regarding the situation and what he suspected it meant for her anomalous ability.

Date: 05/21/2022

Interviewer: Dr. Martin █████████

Interviewee: SCP-6896 (Dr. Damini Bhatt)


Dr. Martin: Do you want to wait a few days for this, Dr. Bhatt? It might be a bit blurry, but you don't seem to be in the best -

Dr. Bhatt: Save it, Martin. I already know you want this done today - go ahead. Ask away.

Dr. Martin: Alright, then. Can you remind me exactly what happened? I was there, but I'd like to get your firsthand experience before I begin proper questioning.

Dr. Bhatt: (pained groan) Sure. We were setting up a simple test for SCP-1128. We weren't going to send the D-class that deep in, just enough to find 1128 and fire a █████████ at it, see if that killed it or deterred it, and then bring him back out as quickly as possible. I planned it myself with some pestering to O5 specifically. When we were setting up everything... D-1730 grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the water with him. It was rather surprising to find myself in the ocean with him. I freed myself momentarily but he just grabbed me by the ankle, kept pulling me down whenever I got a breath.

Dr. Martin: We saw you surface a few times, yes.

Dr. Bhatt: I never even properly saw the thing this time, it moved so quickly. It still felt like it was confused by my presence, but I was prey. I'm lucky I'm a decent swimmer. Got out of the way enough to avoid any deadly wounds before kicking D-1730 off and getting back to the surface. You all know the rest.

Dr. Martin: Indeed. Dr. White was terminated for his hand in this attempt on your life. Seems he was rather unnerved by 'an SCP itself' researching here.

Dr. Bhatt: (frustrated groan) Of course he did. And here I was thinking he was friendly.

Dr. Martin: Now, onto specifics - how was D-1730 holding you? Was it skin-to-skin contact? Dr. White seems to have suggested that to him, so I'd like to confirm.

Dr. Bhatt: Yeah. Right above my glove and my boots, just under the cloth. Why do you ask?

Dr. Martin: Because, Dr. Bhatt, I believe that we just found a loophole in your abilities. They can transfer to others that you make contact with... at the cost of you losing them yourself.



1. Due to the effects that SCP-2852 has on all those in attendance of an event, the Foundation chose to remove the two unaffected children for their own protection.

2. Ishaan Bhatt was interviewed by Dr. █████ Song, and corroberated Damini's account of events. It is unknown if Damini's anomalous nature, which Ishaan shared, is a genetic anomaly.

3. SCRAMBLE was the technology created by Dr. Daniel ███████ to help MTF-Tau-1 with containment of SCP-096. The technology proved flawed and lead to the deaths of all but 3 MTF operatives.