♦ Vlatka [Allosaurus]



1 year, 11 months ago


--B A S I C I N F O--

Nickname: N/A
Species: Allosaurus
Sex: Female
Age: Adult
Known Mutations: Melanistic
Known traits: Bite, claws, tail

-- B E H A V I O R --

Personality: From the earliest points of her life, Vlatka has been chaotic and headstrong. She is a determined sort that strives for success in all that she does. However, while driven for success, Vlatka will often seek out any manner of prey with limited hesitation; though as she's grown older, she does appear to have adopted a more tactical approach despite an inherent desire to bring prey down quickly. One of the most notable features of her nature, though, is that of her volatility. Even during her youngest stages, Vlatka has exhibited a higher drive for aggressiveness no matter the size of the adversary and is extremely reluctant to even back down despite injuries sustained - as can be noted by extensive scarring along her body.

-- R E L A T I O N S--

Pack: (NAME - Variax/Variax // Beezz/Ginger // Solrobi/Speedy // Zaphori/Uieda // Renthemisfit/Akira // Z3RO/ ---)
Pack Rank: Alpha Female
Pack Status: Healthy
Mate: Variax
-- Offspring: Despite the aggressive nature and parenting style of Vlatka, both her and Variax have had several clutches that bore the same melanistic characteristics of their parents. However, due to the more volatile nature of Vlatka, there have been known incidents with similar behaviors exhibited by their offspring. It is unknown if this is due to nature or nurturing.

--H I S T O R Y--

- Juvenile:
--- Born in a region known as the Swamp Reservoir, Vlatka quickly discovered she was alone. Bearing nothing in the way of knowledge for survival, she slowly maneuvered her way from the swamps and towards the redwoods where she found food and water, sustaining her for a short while before catching the scent of something unknown but naturally familiar. Though, as she traveled, the scent was twisted and mutated by death before she crossed paths with a leftover body she stole the last remnants of meat from. Though, little did she know that a mother's love knows no bounds and even in death, she had provided for the juvenile.
--- Once full, Vlatka sought out water once more before trailing the scents of she was slowly beginning to sift through, though understanding of their meaning was mild, at best. Though, as she picked her way down a mountainside, a massive influx of scents came through and she soon found herself venturing into a location formally known as Spined Lizard. The chaos of the place, though was one unknown to her and while danger lurked around every corner, an excitement seemed to blossom as she found several others that looked like her.
--- Vlatka dove headfirst into a pack of other allosaurus, sitting next to a tiger-skinned one as other predators circled nearby. The pack, interestingly enough, adopted her for a short period before taking her out of the area nad leaving her in a cave alone. Though, not before seeing several of the other allos behave aggressively towards those venturing close and adopting similar mannerisms for her own sake. --- Vlatka was abandoned outside of SLL and spent the next several days roaming the outskirts, surviving off of old meat and water while listening to the near consistent sounds of fighting within the neighboring space, though without signs of the allos thought to be befriended.

- Adolescent:
--- Vlatka spent quite some time existing on the fringes of SLL until her adolescents wherein she crossed paths with an EO trike. She found herself resting during the height of the day when a young EO ran through the area, stepping on her and startling the both of them. The two squared off and while no aggressive displays were presented, she took a snap at the EO. Instead of defending itself, the trike rushed off and left Vlatka confused and reminded of her hunger.
--- After several more days and no signs of the allosaurs she'd met before and their scents fading, Vlatka left the area and began to roam back towards where she'd come from, hoping to find more of her own as loneliness had begun creeping in. As a result, she began picking her way across the mountains and redwoods. Though, as she neared the swamps once more, though, as she ventured closer, Vlatka crossed paths with a pair of young dasp that attacked and chased hehr away from the area, forcing her to migrate back towards the Redwoods.
--- Roaming alone for quite some time, Vlatka's inability to learn from her own kind likely resulted in the development of more aggressive nature and inherent dislike of most species having crossed paths with during her adolescent stage. Though, as she managed to survive, she increased on her level of independence while keeping to the redwood basin for the length of her adolescent age.

- Sub Adult:
--- Very little occurred during Vlatka's sub-adult stage. She had developed a system for survival, learning to take down small prey and managing well enough on her own. During this time, though, a migration of varying species prompted movement that had Vlatka venturing towards a place formally known as Darkwood Haven. However, due to the lack of prey made available and an unknown place, Vlatka continued moving, finding the Grassland Crater before turning West and making her way towards Grassland Lake where a wealth of new scents made their presence known to her.
--- Vlatka explored Grassland lake cautiously, finding several dasp and other predators in the area. Though, as hunger and thirst set in, she was forced to the waters edge where a croc swam up on her and attempt to bite her. She managed to get away from the croc, though not before she clawed it in the face before another Allo came beside her. Confused on his intention, she cautiously tolerated the male, keeping her distance before he started leading her towards a large rock where a familiar scent crossed her memory.
--- As she approached, Vlatka recognized the melanistic male allo and found herself accepted into the rogue band, those within the ranks unknown to her save for the male encountered before. However, due to experience, she was wary of all three even as she trailed after them and learned the route back to SLL where they engaged in her first series of small hunts as a pack. Initially, she took more hits and more bites from her own pack from getting in the way, forcing her to renavigate how she'd learned to fight and survive. Shortly, thereafter, the new pack took on an adult EO wherein they fought and won, earning her the title trike-killer from the lead male, Variax.

- Adult:
--- Vlatka's adulthood involved her beginning to, not only trust but work with the newfound pack found and learning both hierarchy and the demands of pack life in a new way. Hyperfixated on improving herself. She met an albino allosaurus and another melanistic (Ginger and Speedy) that she seemed to bond with quickly, the female Allo showing her the ropes. As time lapsed, Vlatka learned how to navigate hunts, migrations, and sparring with the pack. All the while, she began taking an interest in the male, Variax, of which sparred with her most often.
--- As the pack grew, Ginger and Speedy having clutches of their own, Vlatka became more comfortable within the presence of Variax and in a display of aggression and dominance attributed to their species, the two seemed to readily get along and would often be seen venturing their migratory trails often for the sake of tandem hunts. During one hunt, where split packs joined together, they took on a spinosaurus in SLL and found themselves to be the victors which only seemed to perpetuate boosted confidence.
--- Sparring turning to more of a blood sport, during this time, both Ginger and Vlatka made equal bids for leadership. The two of them combatted the males and won before fighting one another, resulting in multiple ties. In the end, the large pack learned to operate beneath the mantle of the two alpha females and as rank found itself established, so too did it seem to solidify budding imprint with Variax. The both of which have now had a few clutches, resulting in several melanistic traits.