Sylvia Otham



2 years, 12 days ago


Species: Demon (Sloth)

Gender: Cisgender female

Height/Weight: N/A

Body type: Lean rectangle

Sexuality: Bicurious

Birthdate: March 18th

Age: 153 years old

Zodiac: Pisces

Status: Single (little crush on Wray though)

Theme song: My dear friends - Beetlebug

Voice headcanon: ChadChad

Favourite quote: "*yawns* Oh what a morning... and it's what? 7am? I'm going back to bed..."

Personality: Sleepyhead, very chill

Nicknames: Sylvy

Pet: Teddy sloth

Likes: Soft blankets, pillows, lullabies, onesies, Wray

Dislikes: Alarm clocks, cold water, caffiene

Other: Sylvia is the only one adopted in the friend group and has a good relationship with both her dads

Info: Sylvia Otham is what others would call a “lazy demon” but she is just hypersomnia. She tries to keep herself awake with coffee and loud noises but she has trouble with that. On her bucket list she wishes to see the overworld and tagging along with her friends she can do so. She wishes to join her pals on all the adventures but Wray would probably have to carry her along the way.