
6 years, 5 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Neph
Nicknames/Aliases: None
Title(s): None
Age: 25
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Asexual (sex-neutral), Biromantic
Species: Green Darner
Birthday: October 30th
Occupation: Vigilante
Powers: None
Living Family: Varis (father), Tourma (mother) (Also gets married and has a daughter in the future; Kaja)
Hometown: -tba-
Current Residence: Hallownest

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'10”
Skin Shell: Green and blue
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Black
Body Type: -tba-
Distinguishing Marks: None
Left or Right-Handed: Left
Quirks/Habits: Rubbing the back of his head when he’s embarrassed. Also puts his hands on his hips a lot.
Voice/Voiceclaim: -tba-

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: ????
Mental Illnesses: None
Other Notes: None

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: Common
Positive Traits: Upbeat, charismatic, charming, dependable, creative
Neutral Traits: Sensitive, idealistic, protective, outspoken
Negative Traits: Too forgiving, somewhat vain, indecisive, pushy, nosy
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Optimistic Realist
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Fears: Letting others down, drowning, being buried alive
Secrets: None


General Likes: Ghost stories, folklore, bright colors, helping people, string instruments, origami, singing, exploring, sunny weather, children, hugs, making people smile
General Dislikes: Injustice, bullies, sour foods, being alone, gossip, hot weather, deep water, cynical people, dull greys, filth, drama, sand
Animal: -tba-
Color: Ocean blue
Food: -tba-
Music Genre: -tba-
Season: Spring


Best Friend(s): Girta
Other Friends: Elior, Mito, Maimu, Gerlach, Khali, Filaree
Acquaintances: -tba-
Significant Other(s): Leelo
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Pets: None


Meaning of Name: Neph comes from nephrite, a green gemstone.
Religion: Indifferent
Astrological Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Celtic Zodiac: Reed
Element: Fire
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Neph grew up in a shady, crime-ridden area, and that environment is what inspired him to become a vigilante in the first place.
  • When he was still a teenager and first getting into being a vigilante, he would sometimes go overboard when he tried to hunt down criminals, leaving a few with serious injuries, and he used to believe that people couldn’t change for the better. He hides it as best he can, but he still feels a lot of guilt, both for the bugs he’s physically hurt and having such a black-and-white mindset.
  • Neph isn’t afraid to be openly emotional.
  • Neph is a talented storyteller.
  • Neph tried to learn how to play the violin in the past, but never could get the hang of it.
  • Neph is a lightweight, and it doesn’t take much to get him drunk. (doesn’t stop him from drinking the occassional fruity cocktail though)
  • When Neph gets really angry, he tries to blow off steam with a little physical training. (either solo, or with Girta)
  • Neph has a lot of street smarts.