
6 years, 4 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Maimu
Nicknames/Aliases: Mai
Title(s): None
Age: 21
Gender: Non-Binary (born female, they/she)
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Mantis Petra
Birthday: January 18th
Occupation: Adventurer
Powers: None
Living Family: Villem (father), Tuule (mother), Riina (older sister), Indrek (younger brother), Olev (younger brother) (also gets married and has a daughter in the future – Saskia – and cares for Salil and Echo like her own children)
Hometown: The Mantis Village
Current Residence: Wandering through Hallownest

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'5”
Skin Shell: Shades of aqua and grey
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Black
Body Type: Very petite and slight.
Distinguishing Marks: None
Left or Right-Handed Clawed: Left
Quirks/Habits: Shifting into a “threat stance” when they’re really angry.
Voice/Voiceclaim: -tba-

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: Neoteny
Physical Abnormalities: Unusually small and weak for the average adult mantis petra. Her curved, forked horns are also considered an abnormal trait.
Blood Type: ???
Mental Illnesses: None
Other Notes: None

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: Common
Positive Traits: Clever, charming, playful, affectionate, quick-thinking
Neutral Traits: Cutesy, sneaky, sassy, coy, childish
Negative Traits: Manipulative, immature, dependant, impish, needy
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Optimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Fears: Vulnerability, dying alone, facing other mantises, losing loved ones, rejection
Secrets: Though she’s come to accept it now, she used to resent her condition, and spent much of her youth wishing she was born “normal”.


General Likes: Dancing, hugs, exploring, teasing others, rain, love stories, cuddles/intimacy, feeling protected, toying with people
General Dislikes: Killjoys, feeling cornered/trapped, fighting, feeling left out, being alone, being ignored, strict rules
Animal: Alubas
Color: Red (used to be orange)
Food: Mushroom soup
Music Genre: -tba-
Season: Spring


Best Friend(s): Mito
Other Friends: Neph, Elior, Girta, Khali, Leelo, Leif
Acquaintances: Filaree, Rona, Ace, Trojan, Feara, Eidi
Significant Other(s): Gerlach
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Pets: None


Meaning of Name: Maimu means “little” in Estonian.
Religion: Indifferent
Astrological Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Celtic Zodiac: Birch
Element: Air
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Alignment: True Neutral

  • Maimu fled from the Traitor’s tribe as soon as the Traitor Lord started losing himself to the plague.
  • Another thing that drove Maimu away was coming to blows with her brother Olev, who also started to become affected by the plague.
  • Maimu is treated like the “baby” of Neph’s traveling group, despite technically being in the middle age-wise. She was also babied by her family pre-infection, even though she’s the second eldest.
  • Relating to the above, because her family and friends have always been rather lenient with her, Maimu has this sort of unspoken belief that she can get away with almost anything.
  • Since Maimu is abnormally small and not as strong as the average mantis, she’s learned to rely on her wits to get out of trouble. When this fails, however, she’ll freeze up upon realizing she can’t outwit her opponent. If she’s REALLY panicked, she’ll either try to run or physically lash out.
  • Maimu knows how to fake-cry.
  • Maimu tends to avoid the Queen’s Gardens AND the Fungal Wastes whenever possible.
  • Maimu’s attitude does a complete 180 when she’s angry; she goes from cute and bubbly to cold and biting.
  • Maimu tends to oversleep during stressful times.
  • Maimu picked up a lot of street smarts from Neph.