Rosetta Piral



2 years, 5 days ago


Species: Witch

Gender: Cisgender female

Height/Weight: 5'4" 110lbs

Body type: Intverted triangle

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Birthdate: February 17th

Age: 20 years 

Zodiac: Aquarius

Status: Single

Theme song: Dramatic - Cat & Calmell

Voice headcanon: Pearl (Steven Universe)

Favourite quote: "Sketch, I'm working right now, just sit in the corner seat you normally sit in and I'll check on you later."

Personality: Hardworking and tries to be supportive

Nicknames: Rose, Rosie

Powers: Telekinesis

Likes: Coffee, biscuits, quiet places

Dislikes: Loud places, people dissing Sketcher, remembering how she acted when she was younger

Other: Sketcher's half-sister, Rosie understands her sibling has autism and makes sure Sketcher is comfortable.

Info: Rosetta or Rosie is a bizarre individual. When her younger sibling Sketcher was born she didn't understand why they acted different from her and was kinda mean about. She also thought that Sketcher was the reason that Rosetta's mother and father split when in reality it was completely different. She apologised to Sketcher and tried to be a better sibling. As the two grew up Rosie went out of her way to make sure Sketcher was in a safe environment at all times and even started fights with other witches at school if she even heard someone talk shit about her sibling. By the time Rosie got her powers and job, she had less time to spend with her sister but she made sure a seat was always there for her at the café that she worked at.