Basic Info







Rare halo

This is Clancy. He's very fancy. :)

Tends to be a bit of a stuck-up know-it-all. His family is a bit better off than most, and so Clancy got only the best education out there. He's more intelligent than most and he knows it, but this kind go backfires on him as no one really wants to hang out with someone who thinks they're better than you just because of their intelligence. Attaches fancy jewelry to his halo to make himself look expensive, but he's really bad at crafts so he can only do simple stuff. If anything takes more than a little bit of effort for him he'll get all frustrated and flustered and say that it "wasn't worth his time anyways". 

Surprisingly, he likes horror movies, though only those that have a lot of symbolism and "purpose" like The Menu and Nope. Huge film snob, hates slashers and most horror films, which makes him unbearable among horror fans, since he thinks that his way is the right way. The amusing and ironic thing is that he likes movies where the whole thing is that rich people suck... when he happens to be a rich kid himself... The lack of self-awareness he can exude is astounding really. 

Believe it or not, Clancy didn't always used to be like this. As a child, he was kind, polite, and overall pretty quiet. He went to a good school, but didn't really socialize, and preferred to spend time by himself. He met Phoenix while on a walk one day, and the two became friends after that. Their friendship lasted until Clancy was about high school age, in which his parents sent him to a fancy private school far from home. It was there that he became the Stardrop that he is today, and his relationship with Phoenix quickly soured after Phoenix learned how stuck-up he'd become. Clancy actually has a huge crush on Phoenix but doesn't realize it, and tries to visit Phoenix at his job as the palace butler. He doesn't really know WHY though, and just explains it away as wanting to get a kick out of how much better his life is than Phoenix's is... which in turn makes their relationship even more strained. 

Because of his awful attitude, Clancy has made himself quite a few enemies. While some Stardrops just avoid him once they see him, others will actively go out of their way to pester and provoke Clancy until they get a reaction out of him.