Callie / Cal



2 years, 21 days ago

Basic Info

Legal Name

Marion "Cal" Callighan


cool cal fact's!!!!:

- Thanks to nerve damage around her throat, she was born without the ability to speak, as well as bathe and eat properly. She elected to have an experimental surgery that'd allow her to talk and stop foreign objects from getting in her lungs - think of a very advanced talkbox with silicone coating the rest of the throat to track its movements, translating the movements to sound more easily.

- the surgery was successful, but the experience itself was very traumatic and painful for her, resulting in Iatrophobia, Nosocomephobia, and Nosophobia respectively. Therapy has lessened the impact of these fears, but they may resurface in moments of stress.

Reason behind..

- Iatrophobia and Nosocomephobia 

a result from her surgery, she fears a repeat of her experience could happen again. 

- Nosophobia

also a result from her surgery, although for a different reason - thanks to never willingly wanting to go to the doctor, she fears she may fall ill with something fatal, resulting in nosophobia AND hypochondriasis. The latter was treated, she hopes to resolve the former with further therapy.

- Her optimism / upbeat demeanor

She's aware of the dark world she lives in, the cycle of hatred that traps people. With that in mind, she keeps smiling in spite of it, for two main reasons:

1,) to spite the "dark", to show that "they can't snuff out every light."

2,) to hopefully be that light in some folk's lives, stating that "sometimes it's all you need to keep going"

- Numbness/Neutrality when she cries

She's used to crying quietly, a habit she picked up in childhood. She was the "quiet kid" by force, thanks to being unable to verbalize how she felt and what she liked. That's also behind her more "out there" personality in current day, as she finally has the opportunity to express herself.