Abaddon's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

DawnatMidnight Global Rules
【 General Rules 】
  • ✓ You're allowed to change the design, gender and race of the character as you wish!
  • ✓ You're allowed to post the character elsewhere if you provide proper credit for the art!
  • ✗ 'Credit to the rightful creator/owner' is not proper credit. A link to the artist in question is proper credit.
  • ✗ You're not allowed to claim the original design as your own.

【 If Character is Bought 】
  • ✓ You're allowed to resell the design for the same price you bought it, or higher if it comes with additional art!
  • ✓ You're allowed to Trade or Gift the character!

【 If Character is a Gift or Trade 】
  • ✓ You're allowed to gift or trade the character for other characters or art.
  • ✗ You're not allowed to sell the character. Even if you have additional art of them.