Rei Coughlin



2 years, 26 days ago


Persephone in the Garden
2:11 4:26

Rei Coughlin
Japanese-Irish | Non-Binary (She/They) | 23

The fifth soul rider, Aideen come again, these are titles that Rei had never wanted, but ones that have become intristically tied with her. Originally born and raised in the Bronx, Rei only came to Jorvik to start fresh, to live a normal life how she deemed fit.

But now, forces she hadn't even known existed are threatening not just Jorvik, but everyone. And she's not sure how much longer she can keep fighting them.

  • Horses
  • Nighttime
  • Gardening
  • Loud Noises
  • Dark Core
  • Bitter Tastes

My goddess of light

and spring and all things good

Chaotic Good | INFJ-T | Scorpio | High Priestess
Courageous Discontent Impulsive

Much of Rei's personality has been molded by her experiences as an autistic individual, both the good and the bad.

Highly empathetic (perhaps to a fault) Rei tends to try and figure out what others are thinking without asking them first, which can always be hit-or-miss with her, though she finds it relatively easy to relate to others on things she has gone through in any regard, such as Ydris being forced from his home, Lisa losing her mother, or Alex basically being put in a position where she had to raise her younger brother, James, herself. Despite this, she struggles to understand the inner workings of others' minds, especially those who don't experience the world the way she does.

Rei is prone to impulse, feeling she has to prove herself to others to be seen as worthy and keep them with her. She doesn't believe she's allowed to say no to her friends, for what if they see that as her turning her back on them? Still, she has her limits, especially when such actions directly contradict what she's been fighting to stop for her entire life - one such incident was the choice to grow Concorde up by magic, which she felt (and still feels) was too risky of a move for Concorde's mental wellbeing. Let her stay a filly, even just for a little while longer.

Rei struggles to feel comfortable when following the orders of others, even if she forces herself to in order to keep her friends. She rarely feels like she has time to rest, but, in the end, she wants to protect Jorvik, she wants to help... she wants to be the Fifth Soulrider, because this has been the one thing in her life that has truly been hers.

And she's terrified of being left alone once again.


How long, baby, have I been away?

Oh, it feels like ages, though you say it's only days

5'6" | Slight, Lean | Reserved

Rei is a lanky, thin person with short, slightly-curled red hair and blue eyes.

Much of her appearance comes from her Irish father and maternal grandmother, Erin Cassidy-Hirano. She has slightly hooded eyes and a slightly rounder face-shape, with a more prominent nose than most of her family. Rei often wears simple colors, not wanting to stand out much.

Important Notes
  • Rei mostly wears blue, yellow, and beige clothes.
  • She has a fire-like birthmark on the back of her neck, made of dark skin similar to her freckles - imagine Lisa Peterson's birthmark on her cheek in SSO.
  • Rei always wears her glasses! She has terrible vision, she'd suffer without them.

Get a load of this monster

he doesn't know how to communicate

Don’t you ever wish you’d been just a little better, or more useful? Isn’t there anyone you could have just been kinder to?
Before Jorvik

Rei was born to Daniel and Sara Coughlin on October 27th, 2000. While her father adored her, her mother seemed hesitant, trying her best but something always making her hold back. After only a few weeks, Sara left suddenly in the night, for reasons Rei and Daniel have never figured out. Left to raise her on his own, Daniel did his best for the first few years of Rei's life.

After Sara's disappearance, though, Daniel began drinking more and more, and Rei had to learn to fend for herself - most nights her father would sit on his chair and drink and watch TV, leaving her on her own. Some days were better than others; some days were worse. Rei had realized she needed to be prepared to look after herself and her father to keep them both going. It was around this realization that Rei first began taking rides with her friend to go to a stable she was riding at.

Rei felt like she fit in more around the horses and animals at the stable compared to other people, and the owner realized she had an... uncanny skill for calming horses and realizing what they wanted. Before arriving to Jorvik, everyone simply assumed Rei was just observant enough to catch things everyone else didn't.

Rei was diagnosed as autistic when she was twelve, after an incident at school led to her having a meltdown for the first time publicly. She had dealt with meltdowns before, but she had never reacted so intensely in public. A teacher suggested she get assessed, and, while it took a while, Rei finally had an answer to many questions. It was also around that time that she first began to realize she was bisexual and non-binary, though both realizations took several more years.

As Rei's school career approached it's end, she began to grow exhausted of caring for herself and her father. When she first heard about Jorvik... she took the chance and applied to Jorvik City University, taking several years to save money and prepare for the biggest change of her life. She had been drawn to Jorvik from the moment she first saw pictures of it, like something missing within her was there. Her riding instructor pitched in to help, knowing that Rei needed out of her current situation. And, by the time Rei was was ready, she packed her bags and left for Jorvik, one final argument with her father sealing the deal for good.

Soul Rider

Arriving the summer before her first semester at JCU, Rei signed up for a summer camp at the quaint Moorland Stables, where she first met Everbeam, a Jorvik Warmblood gelding that she immediately felt a strange connection with, one she could never fully explain for weeks to come. She also began having strange dreams once she arrived on Jorvik, many making no sense and yet, at the same time, feeling... familiar.

It was during these early days that she met Ydris, an eccentric, outgoing and charismatic ringmaster of a circus being set up on Nilmer's Highland. Unlike most of Rei's attempts at befriending others, she felt at ease around Ydris - after all, he was stranger than her, so he had little he could judge her on. The two became fast friends, with Rei inviting Ydris to watch her first competition with Everbeam, and Ydris allowing Rei to spend much of her time on the highland to watch the world past Moorland.

Things within Moorland Stables itself were tense, and, after a failed takeover by GED, Rei finally began to make her way out through the rest of Silverglade, where she began to meet stranger and stranger figures throughout Jorvik. When she met Sabine, who ended up being something far more dangerous than just an intense equestrian, and Alex Cloudmill, who was Rei's introduction to the truth about herself, Rei was entangled into a world stranger than she could've ever expected - for she was the Fifth Soul Rider.

Much has transpired since her arrival on Jorvik. Her time in college was short, the pressure of her work as a Soul Rider and her day job and everything making it near impossible to keep up. She and Ydris have gone through a lot, and while there's still places in their life that needs work, the two have grown closer than ever - though Rei still fears for him, for what his grief could convince him of. The Soul riders are, finally, fully formed once more, with Concorde and Anne at their peak once again.

And most of all? Rei has found out the truth of her draw to Jorvik, of why she finds it so simple to speak to horses and, perhaps, why the island reacts so differently to her - she is the reincarnation, at least in part, of Aideen. And that has changed everything for Jorvik.

There is a reason I'm still standing

I wonder if you talked about me, as you went home, or thought of me when the moon rose...


For the longest time, Rei felt Ydris was the only person on Jorvik who understood her to some degree. Even after all that transpired, she could empathize, enough that she didn't want to turn her back on him entirely. He's cocky, but he's friendly and playful and everything she wish she could be, even when he's being a nuisance.

They both know what it's like to be forced to flee from a home once thought safe, and Rei can't help but find some solace in that; she knows that such a thing can blind your judgment. She'd kill to return back to New York, even though she knows the city was drowning her. She just hopes that Ydris can find the same sense of family in Jorvik that she herself has.



Lilith Oldebriar - Dark Core Witch, Half-Vala, and as contradictory as the sun at midnight. Rei isn't sure what to think of Lilith, but the psychopomp she rides, Nemain, seems to hold an intense interest in just what Rei's soul is made of. Unfortunately, that means the two of them meet up far more often than Rei'd like.

Lilith doesn't seem to want to cause much harm, though. She's never actively hurt the Soul Riders, and the most she's done is follow the Dark Riders around like a lost puppy. Even then, she seems to be breaking from that hold. Perhaps the future of whatever relationship Rei and Lilith has will mend... eventually.



One of the few non-Soul Rider Keepers of Aideen that Rei feels like she can trust. Noah is soft-spoken and endlessly loyal, though they can be a bit indecisive and overly compliant at times. They're blunt, but Rei actually finds that more comforting than anything - she doesn't have to guess how they feel, because they'll just say it.

Noah has a rather obvious crush on Anne von Blyssen, and Rei is always there to help them work up the nerve to try and set up hangouts with the Sun Rider more often.



Melanie von Blyssen is the cousin to Anne von Blyssen and a force that Rei would prefer to have on her side. She can be a tad loud and cynical, but Melanie is determined and a fierce competitor in the dressage field.

Only recently, Rei discovered that Melanie was a capable druid in her own right, though she lacks the formal training that Anne and herself have. Melanie seems less inclined to use her magic for more than quick escapes, and Rei isn't sure if she can make portals into Pandoria or not - perhaps in time she can befriend the elder Von Blyssen.