
2 years, 10 days ago


RPRSLG 10/30/2020
Species: Human
Gender: M (he/him)
Color: Brown
Codename: Cosytoes
Position: General Crewmember (Informant)
Role: Varied
Background: MIRA Employee (Intern)
Status: TBD
Apperances: Aftermath (chapter 26 only), Reprisal


  • Hat: Toppat Grunt


Brian is a nervous, semi-awkward individual who is much more of a follower than a leader. He is a hard worker and tries his best, which is how he got his internship with MIRA, but tends to struggle to succeed. He’s pretty smart, he can work things out on paper really well and can always spot the twist in murder mystery movies- but when it comes to putting that knowledge into practice, he fails miserably as he can’t think well on his feet. He's not a good liar and has a distinct "tell" (he taps on nearby surfaces with his fingertips when lying). He has a fairly strong sense of self-preservation and can be convinced to do a lot in order to save himself, which is why he’s in this situation in the first place. Brian doesn’t want to be part of any of this any more than anyone else does, and he’s terrified people will find out his true role on the airship and hate him for it.

As Impostor (Human):
He’s an anxious impostor but not for the reason most of his crew is, he’s more worried about being caught or ejected than the moral qualms of killing people. He knows the logic of how he should proceed, but often gets nervous and that messes him up. He’s also rather distracted by his additional responsibilities, and spends a lot of time focused on the other impostors instead of himself.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (MIRA HQ)

Brian started out as an intern for MIRA, working directly under the CEO himself, Fitzgerald. However, when he ends up walking in on a conversation between Fitzgerald and Blakely- a former AFTRMF crewmember turned impostor, and hears things he definitely shouldn’t have, the two give him a choice: help them by being their inside man for the RPRSLG crew- spying on the crew and reporting back information, or be turned into an impostor like them.

Terrified, Brian agrees to help them however they need in order to keep his humanity, and thus gets wrapped up in their scheme.



thingy 2

  • MIRA: Human, n/a, Alive (enlisted)
  • RPRSLG 0: Human, Engineer/Guardian Angel, Dead (standard cycle)
  • RPRSLG 1: Human, Shapeshifter, (standard cycle)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • Fitzgerald, Blessing [AFTRMF], & Brian [RPRSLG] (@ MIRA HQ)
  • All of RPRSLG crew & Gray [AFTRMF], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ], Garrett [AFTRMF], Mo [PREQ] (@ The Airship)
Relationships Of Note
Fitzgerald Boss
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
Blessing Coworker
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
profile code by physics