
2 years, 11 days ago


PREQ 06/15/2018
Species: Human
Gender: M (he/him)
Color: Gold color retired
Codename: n/a
Crew: PREQ
Position: Weapons/Shields
Role: Crewmate
Background: Astronaut
Status: Dead
Apperances: Consequences (chapter 4-5 only)


  • Hat: Vi King


George, while not originally the captain of the crew, unofficially falls into the role after the captain’s death. He is very secretive as he has been ordered to be, and takes confidentiality guidelines very seriously. He doesn’t show much emotion and tends to simply focus on business- a bit of a corporate drone. He probably has a personality hidden somewhere, but isn’t one to show much of it- even before all this impostor business.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (MIRA HQ/Skeld/Polus)

George trained with MIRA as an astronaut and ended up on the Prequel crew as the crew’s weapons/shields officer.


The PREQ mission was sent to Polus to do research and retrieve a rare mineral MIRA needed to power some of their experiments. However, the planet was home to a native alien species who didn’t take too kindly to humans invading and stealing their resources.

Two aliens are ordered to infect two members of the crew (Oliver and Steven) by leaders from their species, turning them into impostors originally just with the goal of observing the humans. However, they decide to take matters into their own hands and make plans to kill off all the humans. The impostors succeed in killing four people, including the commanding officers and medic, but Oliver is caught and ejected.

The crew thinks they have gotten rid of the problem, so they abandon the mission and head back to Earth. What they don’t know is that one of the impostors, Steven, is still on the crew, sending information about humans and MIRA back to their home planet and biding His time until he can get to MIRA HQ and bring MIRA down from the inside.

Because they only have half their crew, and the ship is experiencing some major malfunctions (unrelated to sabotage, surprisingly), A trip that should’ve taken a week takes two years to complete.

consequences (MIRA HQ)

The five survivors of the prequel crew finally arrive at MIRA HQ. They are instructed not to mention what happened on Polus or any of the deceased crew, as the consequences crew will be using their ship in a few days to fly to Polus themselves. George ends up acting as the crew’s captain.

The members of the CONQ crew greet the PREQ, and immediately are suspicious that something’s off, especially considering the PREQ crew apparently had five people when their mission had thirteen on the same ship. The PREQ crew continues to insist nothing is wrong, but it’s obvious that something is.

Steven meets up with Ray as requested, both of them going on a walk together. During this walk, Steven infects Ray, starting the process of turning him into an impostor.

The CONQ crew are given temporary roommates from members of the PREQ crew, Steven rooming with Gray and Yvie. Steven also infects Gray and Yvie during the night.

Later that night, Peach has an anxiety attack and ends up hitting Gray in the face with a metal pole. After this incident, MIRA orders the two crews to be separated with no contact between them. The launch date for the CONQ crew is also expedited.

Right before the CONQ crew takes off, Steven realizes his tablet (the one that allowed him to sabotage systems on the Skeld) is missing, and recruits his crew to go and find it, telling them he wants it back because it has pictures of his family and his dog on it. Mo and Teonna go looking for it and run into Gray. Teonna warns Gray not to trust anyone, but the two of them don’t find the tablet. (Because Steven accidentally left it on the Skeld in the cafeteria)


After the CONQ crew takes off, the PREQ crew is confined to the 111th floor of MIRA HQ for “quarantine”.  Steven communicates with the aliens back on Polus and finds out that one of them made it to MIRA HQ before he did and had infected the CEO Fitzgerald through the former captain of the AFTRMF crew, Blessing, that get teleported back to Earth. The only people allowed in and out are a few scientists and construction workers who are apparently upgrading some of the building’s systems. What the PREQ crew doesn’t know is they are actually installing technology that allows the floor of the building to be caught in a a time loop.

Once everything is set up, the CEO gives Steven the go-ahead to kill off the rest of his crew. He does this, and the CEO orders the loop to be reset, lying and saying it was a “last-ditch effort to save the crew”. really he’s testing the loop technology. 

The loops happen quickly, the group going through nineteen loops in a week. Because the aliens don’t have access to the same amount of resources as they do on Polus, they don’t have a functioning memory manipulation machine, so everyone remembers who the impostor is every time. Eventually, the crew has enough, and Teonna and Mo come up with a plan to overload the power to the technology causing the loop to stop the loops. 

They succeed, but end up causing a massive explosion in the process, killing everyone on the crew except Mo. 

  • PREQ 0: Human, Crewmate, Alive (standard cycle)
  • PREQ 1-18: Human, Crewmate, Varied (standard cycles)
  • PREQ 19: Human, Crewmate, Dead (revival impossible)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of PREQ crew (@ MIRA HQ, The Skeld, Polus)
  • All of CONQ crew & George [PREQ], Steven [PREQ], Mo [PREQ], Presley [PREQ], Teonna [PREQ] (@ MIRA HQ)
Relationships Of Note
profile code by physics