
2 years, 10 days ago


PREQ 06/15/2018
Species: Human
Gender: M (he/him)
Color: Pink
Codename: n/a
Crew: PREQ
Position: Medic
Role: Crewmate
Background: Astronaut
Status: Dead
Apperances: backstory only


  • Hat: Rammed


Pilar is the medic of the prequel crew. He’d always been fascinated with going to space growing up, and was ecstatic that he could take his medical education and use it on an extraterrestrial mission. He's extraverted and had a good sense of humor, often lightly teasing other crewmembers when they end up needing medical attention. He also unofficially serves as the crew’s “morale booster”, planning events in their downtime.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (MIRA HQ/Skeld/Polus)

Pilar trained with MIRA as an astronaut after graduating from medical school, and was assigned to the Prequel crew as their medic.


The PREQ mission was sent to Polus to do research and retrieve a rare mineral MIRA needed to power some of their experiments. However, the planet was home to a native alien species who didn’t take too kindly to humans invading and stealing their resources.

Two aliens are ordered to infect two members of the crew (Oliver and Steven) by leaders from their species, turning them into impostors originally just with the goal of observing the humans. However, they decide to take matters into their own hands and make plans to kill off all the humans.


Pilar is the last person to die during the PREQ crew’s time on Polus, being killed by Oliver to make sure he didn’t heal anyone. However, his death is witnessed by Presley, leading to Oliver getting caught.

  • PREQ 0: Human, Crewmate, Dead (revival impossible)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of PREQ crew (@ MIRA HQ, The Skeld, Polus)
Relationships Of Note
profile code by physics