Brainfreeze The Mountain Goat



2 years, 24 days ago



Brainfreeze is an anthropomorphic Mountain Goat, originating from Holoska. He was born and very gifted with the ability of Cryokinesis and Ice Manipulation. Brainfreeze has a very gifted mind and acquainted with his ability was the formation of his name; Brain (His intelligence) and Freeze (complete control over ice and its properties.)

Born from an icy village from Holoask to his eventually leaving at the age of 13. Brainfreeze outlines his natural resistance to freezing temperatures, and how he became known as the "Errand Boy" of the village, traveling to the top of the mountainous areas for tasks. With the discovery of his Cold ability, Brainfreeze began to desire something beyond his role as the "Errand Boy," eventually leaving Holoask and pursuing his education in numerous schools and even attending college at a very young age. Finding an strangely optimistic Chameleon as a friend, the two have been side-by-side to this day.

Brainfreeze is a brilliant, clear-headed, and dedicated goat who believes in constant growth and self-improvement. Brainfreeze possesses high-minded and idealistic tendencies, as well as being a realist and logical. He is straight to the point and honest, but also is independent and prefers to keep certain parts of himself hidden. Additionally, Brainfreeze is a moralistic individual who can be sarcastic and sternly assertive during necessary situations. He is also considered aloof and apathetic, preferring to spend his time alone rather than with others.

The Icy Indivisual considers himself ahead of the rest with his peak intelligence and mastery over all things cold.

Name Brainfreeze The M.Goat
Age 17 Years
Common Name Brainfreeze
Species Mountain Goat
Gender Male
Height 91cm
Weight 36kg
Special Skill Ice Manipulation