
2 years, 6 days ago


Pfp By Spade_zzz

Name Melissa Bryne

Age 36

Birthday November 5th

Sex Female

Pronouns She/Her

Height 5'8"

Weight 202lbs

Species Pattern Bearer

Ethnicity Hispanic/Irish

Orientation Aroace

Keob Role Leader


Melissa was born and raised in a pattern bearer cult. They believed that only pattern bearers with a complete single pattern on their back were pure and allowed into the overworld, while anyone with a deformed or mixed pattern was seen as a bad omen. Melissa unfortunately was born with a mixed pattern. Because of this she was horribly mistreated by nearly everyone in the cult, being seen as nothing more than a curse.

During her adolescence, Melissa was befriended by a Saikuru demon. Being the first creature to show her any form of kindness, Melissa spent the majority of her time in the outskirts of the village where Saikuru roamed. The two formed a close bond overtime, which made life in the cult just a bit more bearable.

Despite his kindness towards her, Saikuru was a cruel destructive creature with questionable ideologies. His way of thinking began to rub off on Melissa, causing her to become far more aggressive towards her abusers. She wouldn't stay in the village for much longer after this. With the constant torment from the cult and Saikuru egging her on, Melissa ended up taking the life of a cult member who tried to stop her from interacting with Saikuru. Melissa and Saikuru ran away shortly after the murder to avoid being caught by the rest of the cult.

While on the run Saikuru made Melissa an offer, claiming he could give her a better life and more power than she could ever imagine. Melissa accepted, leading to the two being bound for life. They traveled far from the cult, promising to only return to burn the place to the ground, Which would eventually become a reality.

It seemed like they had been wandering aimlessly since leaving the cult, but Saikuru Knew what he was doing. He had been leading Melissa towards Keob territory. He knew she would be taken in by a Keob because of her magic, and since they were constantly losing members on missions an opening was bound to be in one of them. If she got in, this would be her chance to gain the power she so desperately craved.

Melissa ended up in the Kooeep Keob and with the help of Saikuru began to climb up in ranking within the Koeb. She trained with the Keob's leader and learned many skills from him, however she would eventually end up killing him with the very skills he taught her. With Melissa now in charge, the Kooeep Keob overtook the rest of the Keobs in ranking, being seen as the most powerful Keob right under the Ehueeb Keob. Despite how powerful Melissa already was, she refused to be below anyone. She planned to one day overthrow the Ehueeb Keob and become the most powerful Keob in the region, however this has yet to become a reality.

"I think I'm running out of time."


  • Flowers
  • Rocks
  • Shiny Objects
  • Sugary Foods
  • Playing Violin

  • Loud Noises
  • Eye Contact
  • Broken Glass
  • Being Touched
  • Children

Fire & Plant Elemental Magic

Melissa can create flames and different types of plants at will. She can also control existing flames and plant-life around her.



  • Voice Claim: Maya Erskine
  • Can lift up to 400lbs
  • Has 2 sets of fangs
  • Smells like burnt pinewood
  • Is resistant to extreme heat and cold enviorments

Saikuru and Melissa have been bound together for over 2 decades. However instead of having a strong bond, they have gotten fed up with one another but have no choice than to suck it up.

Kumo is the Kooeep Keob's Second in Command, and Melissa can't stand her. She despises Kumo's kind hearted nature despite the cruel envoirment of the Keobs.

Jantu is in charge of all the Keobs in the region. He sends the Keobs on different dangerous missions, but often gives Melissa's Keob more important tasks due to her Keob's high ranking in the Keob hierarchy.

Pheobe is nothing but a nuisance to Melissa. There is never a moment of peace when she's around. All they do is argue and fight over even the smalles of things.