Kurimo Roccar



2 years, 17 days ago


Kurimo Roccar! (thank to fantroll-purgatory on tumblr for that name!)

She is a lusus theif who has a terrible time catching lussi. She just can never do it. She Thinks that no troll really /needs/ a lusus and that they only make trolls weak. So she tries to go out and take them and use them for things that she sees as value, such as labor and money. Her Psychonics and brightly coloured outfit make her easy to spot when trying to sneak around, especially bc her psychonics are very much in tune to her emotions and she still cant control them very well. Her own lusus was taken from her when she was very small and now she sees that as it naking her a more strong person even though that isnt the case. She lives in hiding from Trizzas bots refusing to become a slave and will never admit that she really is much weaker than she thinks.

and yes, her outfit is inspired by Team Rocket!