


2 years, 5 days ago


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Check their profile on my site

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Full name: Marlowe Alaric Ngubane
Gender/Pronouns: Male // he/him
Orientation: Gay
Age: 20
Nationality: South african american
Occupation: Mechanic/Ghost hunter
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Marlowe is a Ghost hunter hobbyist, working a mechanic job.
He lives with his parents, who he's very close to.
He spends most of his time in his room doing ghost research and taking care of his spiders.

Marlowe is Shy and hard to approach, he enjoys silence and alone time. he avoids too much talking, and prefers to communicate through body language or simple words.
Even he might not express much, he cares for others. He expects nothing in return and is fine with that.
Marlowe is very passionate about supernatural phenomena, especially ghosts.
he believes they truly exist and whenever he can, he goes "hunting" for these things, usually returning empty handed. His knowledge on this topic is truly impressive.
Marlowe was born with a new type of birth defect which he was among the first cases.
The symptoms of this defect is flaking skin that is similar to the appearance of feathers, it makes contact with water an unpleasant experience. other symptoms are huge claw like hands and unusual color of the schlera.
Marlowe's family has always loved and supportted him, but he still feels troubled about this condition, he's still trying to come to terms with it.
74108236_JXDKOte4r3enxbO.png •Has a genetic birth defect called "Angel's dove" It causes flaky skin (not acne) and huge claw like hands.•
•He has locs, and a pony tail on the side of his head.•
•Marlowe owns 3 spiders, their names are; "Vox","Amdis" and "Chickpea". he wishes he himself were a spider too.•
•He is ambidextrous.•
•He loves video games, especially horror ones.•
•is interested in occultism.•
•Video games•
•Soft and baggy clothes•
•Horror movies•
•Small talk•
•Mango juice•
•Cold and Dry weather•
Extrovert Introvert
Optimist Pessimist
Polite Rude
Imaginative Realistic
Clean Stinks
Strong Weak
Short Tall
Safe Dangerous
Marlowe fishes Vincent out of ditches, and gets vincent out of other situations he gets into when drunk.
Marlowe doesn't mind doing this, he's happy to help.
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Art by mee :D
Art by kaninpala
A character that has been owned by the current owner for at least 4 years.(2019)
A character who was revamped at some point.
A character that's found its forever home.
Color: Dark blue, Purple
Food: Sausage and fries
Activity: Gaming and taking care of spiders
Movie genre: Horror
Music genre: Electronic, Rock