
-Normal form-
Species: Red eyes demon
Gender: Male

Namesake: Diablo (Spanish for devil) + Voilá
Inspiration: Nothing
-Soul form-
Species: Undead eyes demon

Length: Normal: 1,30m | 2m (Soul, neck fully stretched out)
Age range: 24 (Human) | Unknown (Normal & Soul)

Personality & Information:
Diavoilá is an eye demon. He always has a sharp tooth sticking out at his left side when his mouth is closed. He has a big scar with stitches in the shape of a cross across is chest and stomach.
Diavoilá acts friendly to sound less suspicious and to lure his targets. He likes playing games, especially hide and seek. He likes setting up puzzles and riddles as well.
His voice is rather soft and quite calming. He mostly whispers as talking hurts his throat a lot.
Diavoilá is secretly incredibly evil, homicidal, brutal and violent. But hides it until he gets tired of fooling around.
The voice of his Soul form is hoarse, evil, and a bit distorted. He has a crazy long neck which has something to do with his death. His neck can extend to around 2 meters.
Before Diavoilá died, he used to be a young man who whore dark outfits with dark eyeliner a lot.

-Lore for context-

The Realm of Roaming Souls (TRoRS) (Storyline)
An unknown person who suddenly wakes up in a strange room, and gets greeted by a monster called Diavoilá. He asks them in his soft, calming voice if they want to play hide and seek. Without any other option available, they accept Diavoilá's challenge. It's their task to survive and escape Diavoilá's realm of chaos and to discover the horrible backstories of Diavoilá and his victims.

The Realm of Roaming Souls (Location)
TRoRS is a pocket dimension created by Diavoilá. It has endless amounts of different types of rooms containing puzzles and riddles. The person will need to complete them in order to get to the next room. Some rooms have secrets, easter eggs/references and notes from Diavoilá past victims and Realm Monsters.

Realm Monsters
Realm Monsters are made from a human's soul. Diavoilá murdered tons of people and took their souls to transform them into hideous monsters. Diavoilá rarely kidnapped people and took them to his pocket dimension to test if they're worthy enough to become a Realm Monster. When they die in his realm, their soul will stay in the realm and Diavoilá has full access to their memories and so transforms them into those monsters. If they don't die after his tests, he'll not give up easily, then he'll begin to cheat.

Soul forms
Each Realm Monster has it's Soul form. They're stronger than it's normal form. The design of a normal Realm Monster is based on the person’s interests, hobbies, jobs, etc. A Soul creature’s design is based on their death.

Newspapers from the overworld
VioForgetta Newspaper No. 7/8: October 2nd 1995
The 24 year old man, from the Suenfleurs Studio’s case has been found guilty for the murders on the 9 year old boy, and the 12 year old girl. The man has still not been located.

VioForgetta Newspaper No. 8/8: November 11th 1995
The 24 year old man, who has been found guilty for the deaths of the 6 year old boy, 12 year old girl, and the 33 year old woman, has been found dead in his residence this morning. It was probably a suicide as he was found hanging from the ceiling in his basement.

This OC is the main antagonist of my miscellaneous OC storyline named The Realm of Roaming Souls (TRoRS).