Socks Blot



2 years, 11 days ago


Species: Human

Gender: Cisgender female

Height/Weight: 5'3" 115lbs

Body type: Rectangle

Sexuality: Lesbian

Birthdate: November 6th

Age: 13 years old

Zodiac: Scorpio

Status: Taken (by Click Sward)

Theme song: Love you more (2020 version) - Lily Vengco

Voice headcanon: Cerise Hood (Ever After High)

Favourite quote: "I really like her and she’s like me, we both don’t have many friends due to people wanting us for money and she’s really kind. She… she likes me for me.."

Personality: Quiet and introverted girl

Nicknames: Sweetie, darling

Parents: Ink Blot and ???

Likes: Magical girls (she used to like them when she was younger and still does), Click(her girlfriend), her parents, sci-fi, murder mysteries, King Garbage's videos

Dislikes: Anyone pointing out her weighting, secrets

Other: Socks is a fan of sci-fi and murder documentaries, she has Cushing's syndrome (a disorder that makes you have excessive weight gain) and she's very insecure about it, she grew up watching magical girl shows and wanted to be one growing up.

Info: Socks lives in the mansion of Ink Blot far away from the other Taesonas.

Socks grew knowing only one thing: Love is weird... at least that's what she thinks of it at least. she grew up being the forbidden lovechild between the big bad Ink Blot and god knows who the other parent is and hell, she didn't who her other parent was until she was ten so yeah.. a very quiet love life for her parents. But enough about Ink's love-life, this is Socks' info. Socks is a quiet girl who prefers watching sci-fi movies and murder mysteries than befriending other people. She does have a friend outside of her father's worker... but that's more her girlfriend than just a friend.