Toast Carols



2 years, 10 days ago


Species: Holiday spirit

Gender: It doesn't matter it's just a baby

Height/Weight: 2'2" 16lbs

Body type: Rectangle

Sexuality: Aroace (Not sure what you'd expect)

Birthdate: January 1st

Age: A couple of months

Zodiac: Capricorn

Status: Single (And keep it that way)

Theme song: Celebrate - Pitbull

Voice headcanon: Baby Luigi - Mario Kart 8

Favourite quote: "Happy new yeaw!"

Personality: Loud and energetic when awake (mostly asleep)

Nicknames: N/A

Parents: Tomb Frights and Tinsel Carols

Likes: Glowsticks, party blowers, their parents, their big sibling Turkey, celebrations, gummies

Dislikes: The dark

Other: Toast is I guess a Momma's kid (cannot be without Tinsel not even for five seconds without screaming), they also sleep with a party whistle in their mouth (don't worry, they breathe in through their nose) and they're the younger sibling to Turkey Tae.

Info: Toast sometimes lives with the Taesona house with the other Taesonas but also lives with their parents and sibling in the Holitae home.

Toast is the new baby of this generation but that doesn't mean that they can steal the spotlight from Turkey. Toast is a very sleepy baby who likes to stay up late at night celebrating new years even when it's not new years. They thankfully fall asleep before midnight but once that clock hits twelve, expect a party blower going off alongside a very loud "happy new yeaw!" They are very friendly and will often try to get others to join them in staying up to celebrate though that always doesn't turn out so well... you gotta feel bad for any adults trying to get their sleep tho.